Roses are red...

Roses are red and so is your blood
and chances are once im through with you
you will be seeing more of the latter.

insert Weird Al’s “I’m So Sick of You” lyrics here

Sinistral is a forsaken!

Does writing out and hanging our own ltitle couplet on a high school bulletin board count?

I got suspended for that one, but it was worth it.


They suspended you for that? Assholes! I wish I’d remembered to write something like that when I was in high school. That pretty much reflects the retarded thing V-day is.

ilu evil dave :kissy:

Roses are red. So what. Wanna fight about it?

Roses are red. Barf is green.
Oooh, look, there are also parts of your spleen!

(I actually sent out roses today. You know who you are.)

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Your mom’s ugly
And so are you.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I discovered Eris,
How about you?


I had a “…/ You turned me gay, you filthy shrew” but Val wins, so I won’t bother to formally encapsulate it.

Oh, crud. Now I have to answer, and my handwriting sucks. Evil you, don’t hurt me like that! :bowser:

Took you pretty long.

Roses are red, violets are blue
if cupid fucks things up
I pity da foo

Roses are red, violet ar-I’LL FUCK YOU WITH A RAKE!

Ok, it’s official. Val wins.

The winning submission:

Roses are red, but hardly a solution
Happy day of socially-enforced prostitution.

Ron, tell her what she’s won!

[Cheesy announcer voice] YES! LETS HEAR IT FOLKS! Applause YOU WIN A BRAND NEW CAR!!! …dboard tube. YES! You’ll be rolling with style when you sport this brand new 2006 cardboard tube made by Charmin. The brown exterior matches perfectly with the brown interior. And you’ll notice the white racing stripes made from leftover TP. A stunning prize package! Back to you, Dave! [/Cheesy announcer voice]

Thanks Ron. And thank you everyone for participating. Join me again next year when we try to make it the most hate-filled Valentines Day EVER!

Blush ilu2

I’ve heard this one before, and I still love it!

Roses are nice
Violets are fine
I’ll be the six
You be the nine.

thinking of you on valentine’s day…
girl, I love you… but I am gay.


I spent my V-Day alternately crying and knitting while watching Heaven’s Gate on TV. I ordered in some frozen Chinese food that I then had to microwave. It splattered all over the stove and I had to clean it up with super powerful soap spray… the fumes knocked me out and there I lay, sprawled on the kitchen floor for hours. By the time I woke up, my food was cold again.

I choked back the bitter tears just enough so that I could swallow a few icey morsels. Then my electricity shut off and my iPod broke. I tripped over an enormous pile of laundry and cracked my head against a stack of CDs, scattering them all over the place. I looked down, and even in the darkness, I could see that I had bled all over a bunch of checks people had sent me for beats, so now I wouldn’t be able to cash them. These were rappers whose cellphones never worked, so it was impossible to contact them again and ask for new checks.

Alone and desolate, I dramatically flung myself onto the couch, but as fate would have it, my baby alligator happened to be sitting there with his jaws wide open.

This thread is about poems, this isn’t a poem, why is this here?