I’ve found out quite a few elements/suffixes for the RNH Spell system, so I thought I’d list them.
The format is <EFFECT><SUFFIX> with no space in between for those who can’t figure it out. The element just determines the type of attack, and the suffix does everything else, damage, MP, etc.
Ig - Fire element
Aqu - Water element
Tou - Thunder element
Air - Air element (Duh!)
Soar - Light element
Sere - Dark element
Lef - Healing
Safe- Defense up
Speed- Speed up
Haste- Spirit up
Power- Strength up
No Suffix 1MP - Basic elemental spell
na 2MP - Attack all
rande 6MP - Attack all, more powerful than na
ga 3MP - More powerful version
naga 6MP - more powerful version than ga
gana 11MP - more powerful version than naga
lanus 9MP - more powerful than gana
ramde 6MP- One ally, resist the element
Teum 11MP - Most powerful single enemy attack
Melnasus 29MP - Most powerful all attack (Unfortunately, not enough room for SERE and SOAR with it)
Other Spells:
Megami 8MP - Good heal-all spell
Anim 5MP - Revive ally with 1 HP
Animus 8 MP - Revive ally with half max HP
Airflow ? MP - Small Wind Damage, Float status to all.
Peace 4MP - Allows you to escape from battle
Lumin 24MP - Madness status
Steal 1MP - Absorbs MP
Absorb 5MP - Absorbs HP
I thought the thing for air was TEO. Pra is the Earth command sylable, and Prareem ups your general magic defense, instead of nulling magics of one type.
And also, PEACE. It’s an escape spell for dungeons and battle.
Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis <img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Also, you forgot the void and earth elementals.
That’s 'cause I can’t find any prefixes for them that work with all the suffixes.
And Teo gives me lightning elements from time to time.
Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis <img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> No, it’s Teo. I use it myself, it just isn’t compatible with some suffixes.
If it isn’t compatible with all suffixes than it’s a luck-of-the-draw type thing. The way the spell system is, there are certain prefixes that will go with all the suffixes.
Terarudra - 15MP - Cheap but effective single target light spell. The damage this thing does for its MP cost is a steal! You can do over 1000 damage with this on the sandvandals in Sakkara desert. And that’s with no spirit boosting/reducing mantras.
Fuldampotey - 22MP - Great multi-target fire spell.
Terasorgig - 29MP - Powerful multi-target lightning spell. Mix this with a spirit boosting mantra and a magic defense damper and you’ll do some serious damage to wind enemies. ^^
Kingcoast - 24MP - Great multi-target water spell.
Protect - 13MP - Boosts party’s magic Defense.
Powerup - 13MP - Boosts physical strength of everyone.
Defense - 8MP - Boosts defense of one ally.
Aqunareemna - 14MP - Boosts party’s water defense.
Soanareemna - 14MP - Boosts party’s light defense.
Tounareemna - 14MP - Boosts party’s lightning defense.
Pikugazero - 22MP - Reduces magic defense.
Wenbolis - 7MP - Reduces physical defense - even on bosses. Any stat reducing spells are your friends in boss fights. Use them… ABUSE THEM!
Pretty much everything the rudras or the final bosses use are definitely great ones to have. Their spellings may look funny, but the damage one can do with some of these is anything but funny.
I just love those useless but amusing spells. Like ‘Doh’. It’s the same effect as when you use my name and about the same effectiveness, but costs a lot less. And it’s amusing to see, it’s like you’re damaging the opponents by shouting ‘DOH!’ really loud.
And, since I’m easily amused… Fart. 1 MP of Wind damage. :hahaha;