This is very cool, but the street sign will probably be the most stolen one ever >.>;
It’s good to know that. Some friends of mine once had an idea just like that, I just don’t remember which artist they chose though.
Thats so awesome!
The Ramones were no more than sellouts, they had videos all over MTV. And they disgraced the punk rock name… screw Joey Ramone…
Originally posted by The Revolutionary
The Ramones were no more than sellouts, they had videos all over MTV. And they disgraced the punk rock name… screw Joey Ramone…
While im not THAT anti-ramone, I do agree they were not all everyone made them out to be.
Originally posted by The Revolutionary
The Ramones were no more than sellouts, they had videos all over MTV. And they disgraced the punk rock name… screw Joey Ramone…
Without the Ramones I doubt you’d have many of the other punk bands that you enjoy. You don’t have to like what they did, but you have to respect their influence at the very least.
I have no idea who they are, but it’s still pretty cool.
The Ramones really didn’t try to be a punk band. They thought they were just another rock band. All those guys from Queens were fed up with meaningless guitar solos from a guitar ‘god’. What they did was create an ungerground revolution.
Really creating a music video is fine. And if you want to expose yourself thats alright. But if i makes you feel anybetter, I don’t think they ever had a top 40 hit.
Originally posted by The Revolutionary
The Ramones were no more than sellouts, they had videos all over MTV. And they disgraced the punk rock name… screw Joey Ramone…
Now, I KNOW you are being sarcastic and/or just kidding in order to get a rise out of all of us, right?
glares ominously at Revolutionary
Originally posted by KaiserVonAlmasy
[b]Now, I KNOW you are being sarcastic and/or just kidding in order to get a rise out of all of us, right?RIGHT?
glares ominously at Revolutionary [/b]
No I’m not, I really think they are an abodoment against the punk subculture. MTV is and was no more than something corporate. Punk rock was a revolution against government, money, greed, corporation, and the fall of the working class people. The Ramones made music videos, many of them were on MTV. I have no more respect for them :-\
Originally posted by Nulani
I have no idea who they are, but it’s still pretty cool.
Oh good, now I don’t feel bad when I ask “Who the hell is Joey Ramone anyway?”
Originally posted by The Revolutionary
No I’m not, I really think they are an abodoment against the punk subculture. MTV is and was no more than something corporate. Punk rock was a revolution against government, money, greed, corporation, and the fall of the working class people. The Ramones made music videos, many of them were on MTV. I have no more respect for them :-\
But they mostly just made the two minuet song well known that spawned most of the punk rock you have come to love… In reality they just were another rock and roll band. The mistfits made music videos too ya know (even though they were never played on MTV).
Nah, that won’t be the most stolen road sign ever. A long time ago, well not really, speed bumps used to be called speed humps. And there were signs that said “Speed Hump”, which were stolen…a lot. 'Cause they funny
You know, Black Flag made music videos. “Drinking and Driving” comes to mind. They certainly were not sellouts…
Punk’s dead, but the names still live on, it seems.
Originally posted by Steve
Punk’s dead, but the names still live on, it seems.
“Punk’s not dead it just deserves to die, when it becomes another stale cartoon” - Dead Kennedys
Why are you so arrogant to claim that a subculture and genre of music is dead when there are thousands of punks out there who would most certainly disagree?
Just because there is pop-punk shit on the radio does not mean punk is dead. Did metal die when fifty jillion hair metal bands emerged in the eighties? No. And when you have actual punk bands such as Bad Religion and Anti-Flag hanging around, its extremely difficult for me to believe you really think that punk can be dead.
Meh, say what you want. I really only see the punk genre as the original bands.
Originally posted by The Revolutionary
No I’m not, I really think they are an abodoment against the punk subculture. MTV is and was no more than something corporate. Punk rock was a revolution against government, money, greed, corporation, and the fall of the working class people. The Ramones made music videos, many of them were on MTV. I have no more respect for them :-\
Well, guess what?
…You’re wrong!
U R Teh wr0ngz0r
Punk Rock was a backlash against overproduced overpretentious professional musicians (70’s rock) and the coventions of modern music that had become tiresome and played out (ostentatious and gratuitious “hey look at me and how great I am” guitar solos, dressing up like pro-wrestlers before going on [like Kiss] that sort of thing). Too much show, not enough soul. That kind of thing. There were no political agendas at all (beyond “the music on the radio sucks, let’s make our own”) much less an all-encompassing monolithic Fundamentalist Ideology like the one that has crept into the harder-core than thou “punk” scenes today, as exmplified by you.
Sure, poltical messages did creep in eventually (through bands like The Clash [who, by the way, GASP MADE VIDEOS!!! OMG!], and later The Dead Kennedys) and I’m very pleased that it did. But it wasn’t there at the start, and it certainly wasn’t the conscious intent of the first punk acts as you would have us believe.
And, in fact, The Ramones predate politics in punk.
But let’s go back to this bit for a bit:
revolution against government, money, greed, corporation, and the fall of the working class people.
Uh, no, that wasn’t punk, that was the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. And later, Lech Walsea and his Solidarity Union in poland sticking it to the communist control of Poland. [sarcasm] But yeah, I can see how you’d confuse the two, what with all the seminal punk rock songs Marx and Engles co-wrote…
But let’s play with the idea of Punk being the frontal assault of a proletarian revolution against all things corporate and shitty. How, pray tell, are you going to reach the masses, wake them up and get them to rise up, when you’re standing around in your ivory tower punk clubs playing for yourselves and to yourselves, preaching to the converted and cutting yourself off from everyone else because they’re all sellouts and you’re too cool to talk to them? Preaching to the converted does no good, because all you end up doing is taking turns saying “fuck the man!” and “yeah, you’re right, fuck the man!” and you end up spending all your time doing that instead of, you know, actually fucking the man. Or getting other people to join you and see that they too would benefit from fucking the man.
So spare me the Fundamentalist attitude, buddy. Your kind hinders the revolution. You and your fatal allergic reactions to new ideas and non-conformity.
Nazi Punk, fuck off.
I think everyone should hear chickenshit conformist by the Dead Kennedys. It will really make sense to everyone after they hear it.
Originally posted by Steve
Meh, say what you want. I really only see the punk genre as the original bands.