Proposal writing for Argument class

Hey hey… I’m doing a proposal paper about instituting a penalty
for selling Mature rated games to minors. If anybody has some
good reliable and credible sources that I can cite in my paper I’d
be very grateful. :cool:

And what’s your argument?

I don’t have an argument -_- I guess the closest thing to that
would be that there SHOULD be penalties on selling Mature
rated games to minors, as I stated in my initial post. :moogle:

The most apparent argument is of course that M-rated games can be terrifying and disturbing, not very good to let minors play as they can become very scared of what they see. I don’t think that it makes anyone more violent to play games, but there’s still the scarefactor.

It shows Weilla doesn’t watch american news channels. Kids are exposed to violence in the media on a daily basis. You can’t formulate an argument on something you don’t have an opinion on, or reasons for believing in something, much less ask someone to let you do a project on it.

You need to focus in on what you want to do and why and look especially at the arguments against what you believe because if people can rationally tear you down, which I assure you I would in this case considering how undeveloped your thought process on the issue is, then you’ll be in shit when it comes to write stuff and get graded on it.

Originally posted by Sinistral
You need to focus in on what you want to do and why and look especially at the arguments against what you believe because if people can rationally tear you down, which I assure you I would in this case considering how undeveloped your thought process on the issue is, then you’ll be in shit when it comes to write stuff and get graded on it.

An argument is very clearly definied in the class and doesn’t
really have a place in a proposal essay. What makes this essay,
and agrumentive and evaulative essays as well, is the claim, what
you’re getting across, reasons, why you’re saying what you’re
saying, and the evidence which covers the proof. I treid to
explain that to Nessa and she just got really confused :hahaha;
Argument Writing isn’t really Argumentive at all… arguments are
more for debate classes. At any rate, I dunno if you could tear
my proposal up rationally Sin… I tend to leave very little room for
error in my approaches on my papers. Or were you talkin to

Good point there Sin, the mentality might be a bit more Swedish than American. Depends on where you are really. I think that we generally manage to keep kids off the worst stuff here. I hope :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by tgd
An argument is very clearly definied in the class and doesn’t
really have a place in a proposal essay. What makes this essay,
and agrumentive and evaulative essays as well, is the claim, what
you’re getting across, reasons, why you’re saying what you’re
saying, and the evidence which covers the proof. I treid to
explain that to Nessa and she just got really confused :hahaha;
Argument Writing isn’t really Argumentive at all… arguments are
more for debate classes. At any rate, I dunno if you could tear
my proposal up rationally Sin… I tend to leave very little room for
error in my approaches on my papers. Or were you talkin to

If you don’t know what you’re arguing for, then how can you set up a proposal? The proposal is entirely about you saying what you want to do and if you’re presenting an argument in your essay (because that’s what it is, your _belief_people should be punished), if you don’t know what you’re proposing, you’re not proposing anything. If Nessa got confused when you tried to explain it, that means that you obviously aren’t clear. If you aren’t clear, you have some introspection to do because when you present an argument, you want to convince, therefore you can’t have an argument only you can undestand. That’s idiotic. And though you might not accept what I have to say, if my argument is more convincing then yours doesn’t matter because that’s what arguments are supposed to be.

When you formulate an argument, you want a clear defined path for yourself and you want to know what holes to avoid so your opposition doesn’t shoot you down. That means you have to consider your opposition’s arguments and therefore plan ahead for it or shoot it down while you’re moving forwardl. Shooting it down doesn’t mean quoting severely biased sources or making generalized statements. What I pointed out is that you have given us no reason to believe you have anything solid on this topic and I warned you against that in the previous topic.

Back to what I was saying about Weiila, that’s the point exactly. What’s the big difference between the 2 cultures considering 1 is saturated with violent media and the other isn’t? Is it solely the fault of the violent video games? Are people not influenced by violence? I highly suggest you watch Bowling for Columbine, TGD. I don’t know how conservative you are, but the man won an oscar for a reason. People are affected by a lot more than 1 thing in the world. People’s lives are agglomerations of experiences that combine to help form an individual. The media likes scape goats and that’s what video games have become. This is a demonstration of the media’s hypocrisy with how TV and Hollywood continue to put out violent gorefests for the hungry masses, and these touch a lot more people than just a small subdivision of individuals that play video games. The purpose of the video game rating system is to provide nothign else but a security blanket to paranoid, underinformed and or blinded parents that don’t understand any form of complex psychological dynamics. Enforcing costs on them is nothing more than feeding that irrational behavior and doesn’t advance anyone. Kids don’t have to buy violent games, they can get em through a variety of other channels (no pun intended). Kids under 18 can still smoke, drink, fuck and do drugs despite the laws. To think adding fines will change anything is delusional, especially considering the studies that have been made that have shown the psychological effects of video games inconclusive.

What I pointed out is that you have given us no reason to believe you have anything solid on this topic and I warned you against that in the previous topic.

That’s because at the time I hadn’t started my research and the
whole point I made in my first post was asking for ANY reliable
sources on the topic. It doesn’t matter what side they are on
because like you said, I have to research it all. So instead of
getting any help at all I’m being told I don’t know what I’m doing
and that my proposal will have so many holes in it it’ll sink
faster than a rock. Anyway, I currently have enough resources
after doing some searching, so this thread really doesn’t have
any use anymore.

And regardless of what I said, I do thank both of you for your
opinions on the matter because I can possibly use some of the
ideas stated in my paper.

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I didn’t mean it to come out that way. I wanted to point out the importance of knowing what you were going into before going into it.

Anyway, you’re welcome to come back if you want some critiques of your argument.