A little while earlier, I was googling and accidentily clicked a rather shady link. Not long after, I got bombarded by spyware and virii. I’ve run several scans and I think I’m clean now, but AIM won’t open. Whenever I try to send or recieve a message, I get an error message and AIM closes. Can anyone help?
In the meantime, I’m going to give Trillian a shot.
I’ve been having problems with ICQ Lite (4, the latest version) It freezes up ocassionally, sometimes even the PC as well (My sister’s I mean, which I’m STILL using.) I keep getting the message, “ICQ has caused an error in Kernell32” whatever that means. I reinstalled it twice- no good. I checked the ICQ homepage but found no mention of a bug in there. Finally I downloaded ICQPro instead. Now I’m waiting to see what happens. Another reason I haven’t been too active on ICQ of late.
Cala, don’t tell me to shut the fuck up, seriously. If anyone needs to shut their bullshit-orifice it’s you. And I believe there are rules against vigilantism too, oh holy knight. Just go away, stop posting here. You regularly contribute nothing while annoying everyone. You need to go out and get a life, you have less of one than I do, and mine’s nonexistant. Believe me, you won’t fucking be missed. Now go!!! Destiny awaits!!!111
Dude Hades, get off your high horse. You seem to think you’re better than everyone, that their opinions are worth jackshit, and you are somehow the gift to all and we should be groveling at your feet for it. I don’t care if I get banned for being a vigilante if I’m doing it against you, because you’re just as bad.
Okay, I’ll get off my high horse. My carefully crafted high horse from which I can express comments like “my life is nonexistant.” Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? You seriously need to get out of your house. The recycled bad-breath is getting to your fucking brain.
And by the way. My comments were dead serious. AIM is horrible, and anyone who uses it should consider switching to MSN.
Hades, I’ve seen you “argue” with other people over opinions, just stating that they’re “wrong” with some bullshit reasoning. How the FUCK do you argue over opinions? They’re subjective cases, so what the hell is arguing going to accomplish? Making you feel better? That’s your high horse. And I probably get out more than you. A job and a girlfriend often can do that.
AIM is used because that’s what the majority of people use, Hades. That’s why GG’s probably using it. It’s the only messanger they’ll use.
A girlfriend? Oh right, I almost forgot you’re merely a guy POSING as a female, on an RPG forum. My bad.
If you don’t think opinions can be flawed, you’re deluded. That’s all there is to it. My girlfriend (yeah, you’re not the only person in the world who has one, as much as you’d like to presume that you are), however, taught me that you can’t change people, so I stopped fucking trying to, and left them to their own perilous dumbassery. I guess I should do the same with you.
And by the way, MSN is the most widely used instant messaging service, not AIM, not by a long shot.
I love how that fact is brought up everytime someone argues with me. How the fuck does it have any relevance to this discussion?
And I never said I was the only one with a girlfriend. I know quite a few people here with a boy/girlfriend, and I’m not that highminded to think I’m the only one good enough here to have one. And if she taught you that, I’m assuming it was after the music taste thread, because if not, I feel sorry for your girlfriend because you wouldn’t pay one bit of attention to her.
It has relevance because it’s directly related to you getting a life. How seriously am I supposed to take your claims of a social life when you’re posing on a fucking videogame forum as a female and have admitted to doing it for the sole purpose of getting attention?
Feel sorry for my girlfriend all you want, but keep in mind she’s not the least bit sorry. I’ll feel sorry for yours too, for having such a hopeless, clueless, witless, charmless <strike>girl</strike> boyfriend.
Hades, just because I was a girl for two years doesn’t mean that I don’t have a life. Besides getting attention, it was also a damned good exercise for my brain, one which I needed because otherwise I’d be braindead right now. And we could say the same for everyone: Without proof, how could we prove anything that someone else says?
And I’m far from clueless. And don’t you dare feel sorry for my girlfriend. She’s been ecstatic recently, and it’s been because she’s been with me.
EDIT: Charmless? Fuck you. If I didn’t have charm or wit, what in the hell would she see in me?