Finally…lol, but which one?
Nope Sadness brings great joy does it?
Oh. Damn, talk about feeling stupid. Love.
Yes. Now you know what the beast is, you can figure out what the first stanza means
Yes. Now gimme my cookie
No, you see you need to figure out what the whole thing is about Not just what the beast is…
The pain of love and loss. Thats what the darkness and light represent. And I assume the wisemen are the ones who have experienced this.
Well, nearly, shall I explain it now? Or do you want to guess some more?
Heh. Perhaps a love where one is “backstabbed”?
I’m done playing. Go for it
The stanza tells of those that dream of the joy love can bring, and the sadness it can bring, the wise men are those who had experienced love (for bitter or sweet). The secondis from a pescimist view saying that love can make a weak person die, (suicide maybe?) and that to meet love is to die. The last however tells of hope, and asks rhetorically, what will do when love comes a knockin’.