Potted Meat

I don’t think cardboard ever had over 50% of your daily need of sodium…

What do you mean Yiuck? I dont like spam!

Originally posted by Urkani
Corned Beef. Fucking delicious and a lot safer than that. Goes great in sandwiches or by itself.

I second Urk here- great snack in less than 30 seconds, and awesome when drowned in ketchup :wink:

When I read potted meat I can only think of someone feeding cannabis Sativa to a cow.

Mmm I want some beef jerky…

But man Rast you eat some wierd shit. I think I’ll stick to chocolate.

He eats weird shit? If I may reiterate…

…this is from someone who has eaten balled-up brownies off a highschool cafeteria floor



I like Ramen though… only chicken. Not too bad.

But I want some CUp O’ Noodles.

Damn those are good.

Only chicken? I’m amazed at your willpower, what with all the tantalizing flavors out there.

Willpower nothing, that’s the only flavor I actually like.

On that thought, WTF is “Birria”?

Originally posted by Moon Beam Girl

And haggis! (just kidding, since it’s not made in US).

Chances are it is, cause I’ve eaten it, and I’ve never been to Scotland.

Cannabis sativa to a cow… :hahaha; that’s great

Ahh… you’ve just reminded me of the all-time snack food for the damned- the pot noodle :wink: Comes in many tasy flavours, all cardboard.

Personally, I prefer to stick to spearing wildebeest on the village green :wink:

Oh god, how many times has pot noodle saved me from starvation over the last year. :stuck_out_tongue:

If anything, I would think “pot noodles” would make you hungry…

Wrong pot Sorc.

Wrong pot? There’s no such thing as wrong pot… err wait, nevermind, that’s bad pot I’m thinking of.