Yep, I missed some great topics, I went back and took a look, and I was wondering if it would be acceptable if I posted in them?
No, that’s called Necroposting, and is against the rules.
And the Lord didst say, “and yea, though you may mourn the passing of threads who lead good lives, disturb them not, and let their eternal rest continue as it should. For to bring them back to life is to pervert and desecrate their very souls, making them naught but a shadow of their former selves, set only to wreak havoc and dischord throughout the good peoples of tthe world.”
Forgotten commandment #24: THOU SHALT NOT NECROPOST.
Though I gotta admit, seeing someone actually ASK about it first is really refreshing. Thanks.
It’s not against the rules. Do it!
But keep in mind, the threads on the old board were like one hundred times better than the current dead threads.
Originally posted by Wertigon
No, that’s called Necroposting, and is against the rules.
Well, its technically not against the rules, Wertigon.
BUT- its really, really stupid.
How is it any stupider than posting in brand new threads?
Originally posted by Charlemagne
How is it any stupider than posting in brand new threads?
Because posting in NEW threads doesn’t get the whole RPGC community PISSED.
Unless you’re an asshole or an idiot, then you’ll piss a lot of people off anyway.
Posting in new threads pisses everyone off too! or maybe it just pisses me off… I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE!
I don’t see how there are any year old threads, since the last database wipe was in May.
Originally posted by Xelopheris
I don’t see how there are any year old threads, since the last database wipe was in May.
heh… thats great…
Too bad we still have some posts from April, Xelo. I know because we have a thread that old on the Op board.
Necroposting, while not technically against the rules, is widely considered very bad form and poor netiquitte around here. Especially if you’re new. It’s a good way to call down hefty “newbie-hate” upon you.
It’s not as bad as spamming or linking to porno sites or making a bunch of posts where you just say “Dark” over and over again like some pokemon from hell, but yeah, Necroposting will earn you a lot of dirty looks…
Generally, if a thread hasn’t seen a new post in a week, or if its dropped to the third page or lower, its pretty much dead and should be left to rest in piece. If it’s only been a day or two and is still on the first or second page, then it’s all right. So always check the “last post” date and time. Kinda like when you’re buying milk and cheese at the grocery store. Check the dates carefully before purchase.
Necroposting doesn’t make you look too good here. Take a look at the closed RO thread in the PC Forum.
Why would anyone want to bring up year old topics anyways?
If it’s that old, it’s probably out of date anyway, if it’s not, and it’s reasonably relevant, post a new topic if it means so much to you.
Only necropost if you like having admins’ feet inserted in your jacksie :thud:
I don’t really see what’s wrong with it.
Originally posted by Megaman984
Too bad we still have some posts from April, Xelo. I know because we have a thread that old on the Op board.
April 28th-30th probably. Which is nearly May. Which makes me nearly 100% correct.
Originally posted by Wertigon
No, that’s called Necroposting, and is against the rules.
Shit. I’m agreeing with wertigon. Everyone , find a large rock to hide under.
Originally posted by Sinistral
Shit. I’m agreeing with wertigon. Everyone , find a large rock to hide under.
Won’t that crush us and kill us? Or is it a less painful death than the one that will insue from the apocolypse?