Plugging my RM2k game

Thanks Crono, stealing found.

Jump ability means leaving the battlefield temporarily Chris so just creating an abiltiy would be useless.

And where’ve I heard the ‘there are many guards in the castle’ line before?

The version on my site is fixed now. I don’t know about the other sites, but you download from mine if you really want it now.

<img src=“”> Err… I really hope you have more complex maps than the ones in the screenshots.

Definately. None of the screenshots go past the first area of the dungeon, whitch is deliberately un-complex. The demo also features Area 2, whitch has all sorts of nifty traps and stuff. :o

Hehe there’s a chef in my party.

Yes. Yes there is. :o

Bump ~

I want to give the people who played it a chance to tell me what they think. :slight_smile:

I’ve played it up to the first dungeon save point, with Jimmy, Mortimer and Miranda and so far its been quite good. The puzzles and mazes have been quite tricky.

Hmmmm, I can’t download it for some reason…
So question to the screenshots: did you just use the standard graphics or did you modify some chipsets/ charsets too?

EDIT: Never mind, I downloaded the demo from princefireball. But I guess it was the new one, right? Because you started with a level 50 guy, there was no intro and the boss didn’t have any graphics (I beat him in one hit…). As for the other maps, um, I find them a bit empty ^^; Maybe you could pose a few more objects to fill them or just make them a little smaller.

dies at DT’s new avatar

Not again …

Uh, no chance to play it, yet. Hang on a minute …

You seriously need to add more detail to the maps, they seem much too empty.

I second that. The town maps are still way too big and empty, with no indication of where you are at any given point. The first time I started it, I couldn’t find the Shop at <i>all</i> because it was two squares to the left of the screen, and there was no indication that it was there. Add some frickin’ paths, already.

I did that in the revised version…I made the town map a good bit smaller, and added paths.

Oh, and Dragontear…

The sequence with the Level 50 guy IS the intro. :slight_smile:

Hmm, yes … How does one acquire this “revised version”?

Just download from PrinceFireball’s link…I sent him the revised version and he re-uploaded it.

Kay. Howabout warning us next time?

I thought I did…oh well.

Anywho, this seems like a bad time to mention it, I just stumbled upon another bug. It’s extremely minor, but it CAN screw up your game. There’s a problem with the monster parties for the first and second bosses. Due to something I SHOULD have noticed when rearranging the monsters, the wrong monsters were put in the parties.

They’re still named correctly, however, so this is easaly fixed manualy by clearing said parties and putting the correct monsters in. This will be fixed the the donwloadable versiuon, but for those of you who already have it, it shouldn’t be a problem.

sigh I was hoping SO much that the release of this would go well…so much for that. :slight_smile:

I hate to bring more bad news (not that that’ll stop me), but on my computer, the game cannot seem to find some of the RTP graphics that it uses…

In all due respect, it’s more likeley that that’s a problem with your RTP. It may be missing some files…check.
If you have most of them but are missing 1 or 2, I may be able to send them to you. But try reinstalling RTP first.

No, I went through the entire RTP. Everything’s there.