Pledge Redux

Well, lemme set this up first. (Kinda like Sorc’s story)
I’m at my school last friday, during homeroom. Just before it’s time to stand for the pledge, the network admin, who’s apparently been in the army or a branch of the military (which he uses to explain the limp in his right leg), is installing some new login application on the computers.
It’s time for the pledge, and he practically yells for everyone to stand. The only other person that sits during the pledge stands up, and I decide to stay seated like I always do. I’m not even logged into the computer at the time, either. After the pledge is over, he looks over to me and asks me why I didn’t stand. If I was a consciencious objector. I nod my head, and he comes over and asks me to log in to test the new system. I log in, and he walks away. The bell rings, I log out, and proceed to my last two classes and, eventually, the end of the day.
insert 3 day weekend here
The first 4 mods go by uneventful, until I get to computer applications. I try to log in, and I get “Error 220: Your account has either been disabled, or has expired. Please contact your network administrator for help.” So I go down to his office, he’s not there.
Day goes by
Still no account (this is today). I go down there again, and he’s not there. On my way back from his office, however, I bump into him kinda. I ask him what’s up with the account, and he asks me the name of it. I tell him 05shers, and he recognizes it. He tells me he disabled it so I would have to go down to his office to talk to him about why I didn’t stand for the pledge of allegiance. I really didn’t feel I had to explain myself, but I humored him and explained it was mostly my disagreeance with what the president is currently doing to our country, and my inability to do anything but not stand for the pledge. He suggested I go vote, and I informed him of my age. After that… he said he’d enable my account again, and I went to lunch.
Once that was over, I went back to computer apps (The lunch mods are 5-6-7 and I have computer apps 5 and 7, 30 minutes each). I come back in, and Brad, the teacher, asks me what happened with my account. I tell him the story, and he mentions something about the network admin asking around about me. What I was like as a student, etc. He mentioned me “being polite about my disrespect.” I’ll see what happens in the future.

Sue him and get rich.

Aye. We have to stand for the Canadian national anthem every morning. if ANYONE is caught moving in the hallways, they get yelled at.Its silly how they try and make things all formal when the situation is quite ridiculous (they play three versions of O Canada- one sung by Celine Dion, another orchestrated one, and a 1960’s version which is the worst)

So I kinda go through that everyday :stuck_out_tongue: though it’s not as important. By the time Rememberance Day rolls around, the admins are pretty strict though. Still, some people refuse to acknowledge the importance or fail to see why they should respect other peoples feelings to stay silent during the One Minute even if they don’t agree with the reason.

No one in my school stands up =P

Messed-up schools y’all got there. Come to Holland, none o’ that pledge or anthem stuff over here.

Do you even have one?

Pledge? No. Well, we do, but it’s a toilet cleaning product over here. 'course we do have an Anthem, but why the heck would we listen to that in school? Nah, our tradition to start off each school day with is not getting to class on time.

We have an anthem too, but no one knows more than the first verse and no one stands while it is being sung. Probably because thay have no idea that it is the anthem and not just some cheesy song with bad rythms and lyrics.

I’m gonna be ridiculously blunt.
Anthems are pains in the asses. Having to stand for them is even worse.
Being yelled at by PSYCHOTIC PRINCIPALS because you’re not standing 100% still cuz your teacher told you to go to your locker and get your book like, four seconds before the damn anthem starts is just…GUH!
…^^’’ Eh, sorry bout that…

Woah. My school’s a fair deal more liberal; we have a pledge, but it isn’t necessary at all. We’re all allowed to sit, and quite a fair deal of us do sit. And it’s just the pledge, no songs or anthems are involved.

Thankfully, in college you won’t have to worry about that. Because we have no morning announcements. Great, eh? Eh?

Originally posted by Evangelion
Aye. We have to stand for the Canadian national anthem every morning. if ANYONE is caught moving in the hallways, they get yelled at.Its silly how they try and make things all formal when the situation is quite ridiculous (they play three versions of O Canada- one sung by Celine Dion, another orchestrated one, and a 1960’s version which is the worst)


A) permits Celine Dion to sing the national anthem
B) allows said performance to be recorded
C) allows the use said recording in an official capacity

Has FORFIETED all authority to force its citizens to sing along to or in any way respect said national anthem. Because the nation itself, by virtue of allowing such a set of circumstances, clearly does not.

In fact, one might further argue that Celine Dion singing a national anthem peramently taints it and necessitates the creation of a new one.

I don’t know if I want to go that far. But I stand by my other position.

And as for the pledge, I find it laughable that we should be asked to pledge alliegance to a little piece of cloth before anything else.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

TO THE FLAG, with the nation itself, and it’s representative government, almost thrown in as an afterthought. The pledge puts too much emphasis on the finger pointing to the moon and almost totally disregards the moon itself (note the constitution, bill of rights, and declaration of independence, the de facto “Holy Trinity” of American culture, aren’t mentioned at all in the pledge. I might be more inclined to pledge allegiance to the constitution every morning, but the flag? Puh-leeze.)

Of course, as a college student now it’s a moot point because nobody pledges allegiance to anything ever. Hell, it took 9/11 to even get a moment of silence out of any of my professors, and even then it was just one professor for the next couple of sessions.

I got yelled at for it once. I was right in that the county did not require students to stand, if even if I wasn’t right then that didn’t matter, I’d have fought it to the bitter end. It isn’t right to have to make people stand for something as inadequeate as pledging allegience to a flag.

I know this is most likely an urban myth, but I hear about foreign exchange students being sent back because they ddin’t stand for the US Pledge. Is this true or am I being lied to again?

Gotta love living in Europe. The most we ever when Iw as younger had was an assemly where we sang a few hymns every few weeks. Being in college means the teachers actually acknoledge us as adults, and so don’t bother to enforce it.

I used to not stand up for O’Canada, merely because of one of the last lines. “God keep our land”. Of course, I have a first period spare now, so I don’t have to deal with the shit from teachers anymore :smiley:

Originally posted by Xelopheris
I used to not stand up for O’Canada, merely because of one of the last lines. “God keep our land”. Of course, I have a first period spare now, so I don’t have to deal with the shit from teachers anymore :smiley:
I thought you had a job at Wal*Mart. Or maybe that was fixing computers. But now you say school. I just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing anymore.

Originally posted by Nulani
Sue him and get rich.
Then buy me somthing… somthing pretty…

Your teacher shouldn’t be allowed to disable your account without a good reason, especially if you have a computer science class.

Wanting to talk to you is not a good reason.

I would say just stand for it. Yes our current president is fucking moron, but America is still a better country than most others. Besides, would you really want to live somewhere else? Besides, every country has its stupid things. Like on base, music is played when the flag is lowered and raised. No matter who you are, you stop or pull over (and salute if you are in uniform). I hate it and many others do to since it is for respect. Belive it or not, but a lot of guys hate Iraq and what is happenign right now, but don’t htae America for it and have lost faith in America. Not doing it because of beliefs is one thing, but not doing just because you don’t like the President is sort of foolish. Not only that, but what else are you going to do in that time? Man one of my teachers my senior would have been big on your case and she hasn’t eben in the military and doesn’t have friends or family in the military, it just respect for the country.

Originally posted by Tomiko
I thought you had a job at Wal*Mart. Or maybe that was fixing computers. But now you say school. I just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing anymore.

<img src=“”> He fixes Wal*Mart computers after school.