Man, I wish that I got test questions like that.
Seen that a few years ago…
Was funny then, is just old now…
Originally posted by Phoenix Valkyrie
Man, I wish that I got test questions like that.
… I second that.
Actually, this was pretty funny when I first saw it.
Acually, I’ve HAD test questions like that and they weren’t jokes. Open ended essay questions are a pain in the ass. I remember finishing my advance evolutionary bio final and seeing everyone very concentrated and disturbed at our 24 essay question final (2 hours) and wondering if I should stay and ask what people thought. I ended up finding out I should because everyone looked like they had been violated when they turned in their papers and the teacher had to litterally pull the blue answer book out of some people’s hands because they didn’t want to finish. Grades ranged from something around 15% to around 82%.
groans Although it seems appropriate that the response should get an “A” since the question doesn’t really have anything to do with chemistry. Sucks for everyone else though.
Originally posted by Urkani
Actually, this was pretty funny when I first saw it.
…ten years ago.
Yes, I saw this at least ten years ago. Maybe eleven. thinks Yeah, I think I was just starting junior high when I saw this for the first time.
Gramps is loosing his memory.
That’s the first time I’ve seen it. But I didn’t really find it funny, just plain weird.
That’s pretty good.
Hahaha! :hahaha;
That’s a good one!
They just don’t write tests like they used to.
Sad Sad people…
hey Sin what was the questions like on your test?
The fact that this is older than some people who post here is very funny in my mind.
Originally posted by Alyx
[b]Sad Sad people…hey Sin what was the questions like on your test? [/b]
How is that sad? The guy who wrote the joke or actually did that test isn’t sad at all. I bet hardly anyone would think of a clever attempt of humour (that’s debatable cuz I dont find it funny:P) such as that one. It’s intelligent and it kind of does make sense. I’m not talking about hell’s actual temperature, but the way the phrases are introduced and played out, that’s pretty neat. Far from pathetic I would think.
I thought it showed panache.
Anyway, the guy who posted it is a real-world friend o’ mine.
There’s a reason that kid has no chance of getting any.
That was genius.
Never saw that one before. Freaking hilarious though.