People that like the FF series

Tell me what you guys like most about the FF :noway:

The osts… The games are awful. :stuck_out_tongue:

why are they awful? I liked them.

Wrong forum. The Final Fantasy Compendium forums there for a reason.

I like how the CDs make great coasters.

I’ve only played FFVII and FFVIII 'cause they were the only ones I could find that were for PC. I don’t have a PS or a PS2.

I could say that for FF7 I liked the story and the music. For FF8 I liked the music and graphics.

Levelling up, acquiring kick-ass skills/magic/whatever and the battle systems. The more powerful you can get, the better. I love the soundtracks made by Nobuo Uematsu, too. Oh, and the satisfaction of beating tough bosses also, but that’ s not FF-only. I guess that’ s all.

Stuff. I liked stuff.

I didn’t like them all. I liked the music the best.

The music.
The music is great.

Final Fantasy has always had new innovative systems, fairly good graphics, and some of the best music in the gaming world. Not to mention they have excellent artists working at SE, and the cinematics are always top-notch.

I guess the series is popular because of some of the names behind it, and the character designs. Go to almost any poll about games on the Internet and you will find something about FF in it.

FF Tactics. That’s what. And not the crappy GBA version where you’re forced to do a bajillion sidequests and propositions.

The thing I love most about FF? All of the people who pretend to be rugged and/or possess sophisticated taste by claiming not to like them as if they had a hidden lineup of “fine” games that only true <i>videogaming</i> connoisseurs would know about. Absolutely ridiculous. lol.

Well Hades, what they mightn’t like is the fact that FF games are RPGs. There ARE people who don’t like RPGs you know. Or at least, not the kind of RPG FF is.
Anyway, for me, the music tends to rock, and I like the characters.
Note, I say characters, not character development.

The music.
And the fact that even if you defeated the final boss, you still have lots of stuff you can do in the game.
Take FFX for example, even if you clear the game you have only leveled 10% of the possible leveling avalible.

I think Hades is referring to RPG elitists. There are people like that with movies and music, too, who may like something (a game, a book, a movie) for years, and then stop liking it as soon as it goes “mainstream.” You notice a sizable group of them when it comes to Final Fantasy, though, as that was pretty much America’s only option for RPGs for many, many years. Thus, the elitists played it back then, but now that it’s so “mainstream,” they want nothing to do with it, claiming that any obscure, under-the-radar RPG that comes out is by default better than it.

I’ll admit, there are a couple of the newer “mainstream” Final Fantasy games that I don’t enjoy that much (7 and 8, mostly), but it’s not because they’re mainstream, but simply because I don’t get the same feeling out of them that I do from FF4, FF6, FF9, or even FF10.

I agree with Hades, though (gasp! shock! awe!). Anyone who dislikes something just because other people like it don’t really have a sound opinion. One’s opinion should be based on actual experience with the product, not simply the fact that others do or don’t like it.

I’ve defended FF7 from Suikoden nerds on another board who claim that FF7 is highly over rated, and go on to say that Suikoden 2 is the best game ever with complete character development and non-cliched plots. Riiiiight. Can’t stand em.

While I would argue that Suikoden 2 is an excellent game, I wouldn’t give it the “best game ever made” title. I would agree with them that FF7 was over-rated, but that doesn’t make it a bad game. It’s still a very good game, and I think it deserved the 9’s or 9.5’s that it received in its day (I wouldn’t give it a 10 just due to the translation), but I think people can let that hype die down now, as there have been games released that are better.

I have to admit that I sort of feel that way about Nippon Ichi games right now. They have a relatively small fan base (limited to myself and GG in these forums) and I don’t think they’ll ever go mainstream. However, I think they are some of the best games made in a while.

As for the Suikoden 2 VS FFVII argument, S2 wins without a doubt. I agree that FFVII is very overated despite it being the game from which I created my name from. There’s just too many Sephiroth fanboys for me. I’ll take the typical madman who wants to destroy the world any day like Kefka. For its time, I think it was above averge, but I like to grade games by the overall reaction I have from them, not individual elements. I just didn’t get as much out of FFVII as I did Suikoden II.

Suikoden II is indeed my favourite game, but I won’t justify that statement with lies.

Claiming that SII had good character development is absurd. SII not only had less and poorer character development than FFVII, but it was spread over a vastly larger character count.

IMO, I think the term “character development” is too vague to be a worthwhile critera for comparing games anyway.

I think Hades is referring to RPG elitists.
I was referring to videogame elitists or just elitists in general. I was trying to get at the sheer, unadultered lunacy of videogame elitism. I italicized “videogaming” to emphasize the self-defeating endeavor of claiming to have fine taste in an inherently coarse hobby.