Penny Arcade gets screwed over.

This just pisses me off.

The New York Post article was one of the worst things I’ve ever read, the guys at Penny Arcade are fucking saints, and the Top Video Game countdown on MTV was a travesty. As a gamer, everything I learned from the link above angered me to a level beyond which my meager vocabulary can bring across. I have some emails to send.

God that was fucking retarded. shakes heads They want to keep their sound bites of “killer gamer kids”, so they cant’ fucking tell teh truth, like peopel expect them to.

Welcome to Earth. Someone get me the hell off.

My answer:

Some people are just dicks.

I had written a complaint email to the writer of the NYPost article the day it came out heh. I know alot of other people i sent it to did as well.

MWAHAHAHAHAHA! THEY SHALL BURNINATE IN THE FLAMES OF … uh … FLAMING! … And by the way, I forget the URL to the Child’s Play thing itself.

I wrote a few emails to a few news organizations. I guess we’ll see.


Originally posted by Sinistral
I wrote a few emails to a few news organizations. I guess we’ll see.

Most of them unprintable by most major newspapers, huh?

grar, I missed the article, and can’t find it in the archives. >.<

Originally posted by StarStorm
Most of them unprintable by most major newspapers, huh?

I actually didn’t use any vulgarity… o_o;;

The PA articile is still there…

And Sin, I’m surprised at you! GET BACK TO SWEARING, YOUNG MAN!

Originally posted by StarStorm
The PA articile is still there…

She means the New York Post article.

Ah misunderstood.

The NYPost article didn’t sem all to different from other ‘video games are evil’ things I’ve read/seen, but the fact that child’s play was reported to be a ‘catholic school donation’ is just disgusting. The more this shit happens, the more I decide to not read the news at all.

Originally posted by Trillian
grar, I missed the article, and can’t find it in the archives. >.<
I think you have to pay for it if you want to view it in the archives, and I have no urge to toss money at those NY Post bastards.

EDIT: I typed “to urge” instead of “no urge” by accident. It’s all fixed now.:fungah:

Originally posted by PanamaJack
I think you have to pay for it if you want to view it in the archives, and I have to urge to toss <strike>money</strike> <i>bricks or Nerf Fragmentation Grenades</i> at those NY Post bastards.

Now it’s more to my liking.

I missed the NYPost article, could someone sum it up for me?


IonMage summed it up. The usual crap about GTA3 and Vice City making innocent kids into killers, being a threat to society, eats dead babies, etc.

Well the eating part I made up myself. It compared the stuff in GTA3 as 10,000 times worse than what Michael Jackson is accused of.

Backlash must have took it down…'GRAND+THEFT+AUTO'+IS+BAD+NEWS+AND+A+BAD+BET