February 24 is a very important day. For the romans, it is the day that is added to leap years (February 29 is a mere dislodged 28 as a consequence of this). It is the day when Louis-Philippe abdicated his throne, George Harrison was born, and the Gregorian calendar was created. And in most years, it is part of the Carnis Vale (that’s ‘carnival’ for you sinners) celebrations. But I am not going to talk about any of these.
A long time ago, in an island far, far away… A wandering spirit incarnated in our world. The spirit, known as Shugotenshi (Guardian Angel), was renamed in a more human fashion - I am not allowed to speak her name here, but I can say it stands for Guardian of the Meadow. She is also known as Mistress of Ice and Evangelion. On this day, she adds one more year to her own, for a total of 17.
<- Being born on this day makes her a person from Pisces. Some of her soul gems are the Aquamarine, the Amethyst and the Moon Stone. Pisces is also the most romantic of the signs, so here are a few flowers as birthday gift.
During the last 2 years she has made some fans here in RPGC. I am calling them to go having a party at her house. The celebration will last untill Feb 25’s sunrise.
I found them while randomly looking for cool zodiacal drawings. Asides all the random things (from Saint Seiya action figures to Disney’s Hercules), I found the cuties, saved them to my HD, and now I don’t have the link to the site where I got them. All I remember is the wordings “dragon castle”. And the Aries and Sagitarius are swapped XD