Outta here.

Have fun now. Remember it’s a blazer down there, very hot.

: Mr. Waving Smilie says ‘I’ll tell my friends in Portugal to be nice and play with you!’.

Am I missing something here? I mean, why would anyone want to travel to such a hellhole? Smart people should avoid the place like the Black Plague. :scream:

There are many cool places in Portugal, Manus. Lots of the best wine sites too.

Well, I suppose some of the local politicians could be put in cages at the zoo. That would make the place a bit more interesting.

Bon voyage! or whatever the Portugese equivalent is.

Spain quickly conquers Portugal before moving on to France, swiftly overtaking the French MGs and crushing Belgium shortly thereafter.

Hurry back Gilly; D&D won’t be the same without a dwarf.

Watch out for the natives