
Oh yes… Voltron >D

I used to watch all sorts of shows on Nick Jr., before it started sucking. Like Sharon, Lois, and Bram’s Elephant Show, The Lil’ Bits, and David the Gnome… ooh! And Eureka’s Castle! That show fucking ROCKED. Why don’t cool things like THAT exist anymore?

There was a brief discussion about Babar in the chat yesterday. Babar kicked ass, too.

I also watched all those Mario cartoons, and Captain N. But despite all its goodness, Captain N always pissed me off because they portrayed Simon fucking Belmont as this fucking WUSS. URGH. You can’t slay vampires and then be afraid of fucking EVERYTHING. GOD. >O

And I used to watch the old 60’s Batman series when I was a kid for some reason. I LOVED that show back in the day. :stuck_out_tongue: In kindergarten, I used to run around with these two boys during recess, playing Batman. This kid Tyler was Batman, Josh was Robin, and I of course was Batgirl. And we kicked imaginary crime in the nuts! But one day, Tyler like, fell down or something and got hurt, so he had to go inside and get ice or whatever, so Josh was all like “YAY NOW WE CAN PLAY JAMES BOND JR.!” at which point I went to go play on the swings cuz I thought James Bond Jr. was fucking stupid. :stuck_out_tongue: Does anyone else even REMEMBER that cartoon? I only do because of that incident. :stuck_out_tongue:

Count Duckula

Vaguely. I couldn’t tell you anything about it other than it was there.

OH YEAH! And after school, I’d always watch this block of programming called Disney Afternoon… they shifted the lineup from year to year, but my favorite was always the orignal: Gummi Bears, Ducktales, Rescue Rangers, and Tail Spin. Ohhh yeahhhh.

Oooh, THAT I remember. :slight_smile:

Tail Spin sucks, and I always hated it, always. even though I watched it all the time. I only watched it because I hated it so much. if that makes any sense.

Hehe, yeah I don’t remember liking Tail Spin much, but I always watched it anyways.

AND! I had this cassette of like, a whole bunch of songs from each of those shows, and I used to like, listen to it a sing to it ALLLLL the time, until I recorded over parts of it, thinking it was the pause button…

I used to listen to Raffi too, when I was REAL little. “Baby baluuuuuga oh baaaaaaaaby baluuuuuuuga…” :slight_smile:

The Mario and Zelda cartoons. Those rocked.

Mario, Zelda, Power Rangers,


Defenders of the Earth (I forget what the fuck that was about). A bunch of stuff. Too many to name here.

Books. Fraggles.
And lots of stuff I’ve forgotten. And so much of it was cool too.

I watched Power Rangers (the cool original one yah!), Rugrats, Doug, Mighty Max (!), Sailor Moon…lots of stuff.

Holy crap!, Mighty Max kicked ass, I aslo watched Gostbusters, Sonic and the earlier Pokemon.

Fuck yes!!!
Fraggle Rock too, TMNT, and the almighty Duck Tales. :smiley:

Yes, I finally remembered what that anime is called :smiley: It’s currently making a huge comeback in Germany.
Also, Mila Superstar (a really cute anime about a girl volleyball team), Maja the bee, Heidi. Enough for the anime. Now, the cartoons:

  • Thundercats! :OOO Much awesomeness.
  • Darkwing Duck :smiley:
  • Other stuff I can’t remember right now.

I freakin’ loved TMNT growing up. They butchered it now, though. ;_;

I also liked the Super Mario Brothers cartoon, and Bobby’s World!

And also the first season of Power Rangers. The Pink Ranger was hot, yo!

Pirates of dark water, Bucky O’hare, fraggles, my little ponies, gummi bears, ahh real monsters. Used to watch them every day or every Saturday when waking up before the sun rose seemed like a great idea ^^.

I forgot all about good ol’ Bucky. Do you remember any of the other characters names though? I have them on the tip of my toungem but can’t remember!

hmm…Blinky and dead-eye are the only two I can remember, but I still have one of the episodes, so I can check it up any time. ^^

I used to watch TMNT,Darkwing Duck,Ducktales,and Mighty Max,but most of all i miss watching Tecknoman,Thundercats,and Zenki.