Oh my fucking god...

…they have subbed a trailer for AC. And oh dear god is it sweet. You need bittorrent to download it. Go here and scroll down for it.
And, and this is the sweetest part, the man in the wheelchair is not Seph! I don’t think so from the trailer anyway. And, almost as sweet, you see him at the end. Apparantly non-flashback too. OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET IT’S ALMOST ORGASMIC!

DUDE, I knew the wheelchair guy wasnt sephy. I was under the impression that it was Rufus. I think that’d be badass.

Proof lies in the following:
You see his white coat at one angle, Rude stands behind him.

Its a good guess, IMO.

Excuse me for a second while I jump up and down on my bed out of excitement. One Winged Angel is suck an awesome theme.

  • Does so *

Okay, back to the topic. So from what I gathered the silver haired guys are either Sephiroth Clones or Jenova-Infused beings like Cloud and they are planning on recreating the Reunion to bring Seph back (What you hear at the end, “I won’t be just a memory” is probably Sephiroth talking). They also feel Cloud betrayed them, since he has the Jenova Cells but refuses to help them.

Dude in the chair: Yeah, Rufus seems like a close bet, but then it wouldn’t explain why Kadaj bows before him in the first trailer. Also, I don’t get why he still calls Cloud an Ex-Soldier.

What bothers me is the fact that Cloud is even more angsty about Aeris’ death here than in the game.

Well…he’s had a bit more time to focus on his loss now. At the moment, he was probably pissed at Seph more than saddened by Aeris’ death. From a not so distant experience, I know someone can focus on other things besides loss for awhile before it hits them…and geez, the guy barely had time to worry about it. Right after that the plot twist wheel starts turning faster than Cid can cuss.