

Interesting, but how do we know he completed each task exactly as he was supposed to?

Wow- thats amazing… and I believe him. Monks don’t fuck around with that kinda stuff.

Yes, I’m sure there’d be someone around to enforce the “disembowelling or hanging” clause in there :wink:

…but how would a straw raincoat work? :hmm:

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Monks don’t fuck around. They just cut off heads. And flip out.

feels silly and young

What is disembowelment? Something to do with…those organs?

And yeah, my respect to someone who can dedicate their life to one movement entirely…yowza.

Heck, now THAT is the way to stay in shape!

His most difficult trial, however, comes during the fifth year when he must sit and chant mantras for nine days without food, water or sleep, in a trial called doiri,'' orentering the temple."

Wow. That’s like superhuman. No wonder there have only been 46 in the past 128 years. Actually, that’s still impressive that so many survived.

Originally posted by Evangelion
[b]feels silly and young

What is disembowelment? Something to do with…those organs?[/b]

Er, yes, as in “the removal thereof” :eek: :runaway: :runaway: :runaway:

dis·em·bow·el ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dsm-boul)
tr.v. dis·em·bow·eled, or dis·em·bow·elled dis·em·bow·el·ing, or dis·em·bow·el·ling dis·em·bow·els or dis·em·bow·els

  1. To remove the entrails from.
  2. To deprive of meaning or substance

Next time- check the dictionary. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s better to get a non book opinion of what it really is, I don’t like technical definitions:P But thanks that’s…eww.

“His most difficult trial, however, comes during the fifth year when he must sit and chant mantras for nine days without food, water or sleep, in a trial called doiri,'' orentering the temple.”

Yeah, that’s pretty damn unbelievable, staying alive for nine days without water is a feat in itself.

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Monks don’t fuck around. They just cut off heads. And flip out.

I agree.

I had seen somtehing about this ritual in TV when I was a kid. I thought it was fictional. Now I know how far people will go because of religion…

Yikes! o_O That’s insane. Is it even humanly possible to stay alive for nine days without water?

Damn, anyone who could survive that must have put in a LOT of ‘training’ before.

Jing: I don’t think it is humanly possible!

That would make the best and most effective diet in the world, if a bit harsh.

Must have required an amazing strenght of will to complete it. A very good physique too.

Originally posted by Jing
Yikes! o_O That’s insane. Is it even humanly possible to stay alive for nine days without water?

I’m actually not sure about that. I thought it was about a 5 day limit. I wonder what the environmental conditions are like…

I thought if you could undergo a heavy trancelike state you could…? or serious meditation/concentration…?

The two rules of thumb on that subject are the rules of three.
First: That a human can live three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food.
Second: That people live three times as long as you would expect them to.

If he just sits there humming mantras he can last more than nine days without water. If air umidity is high, even better for him.