o n03z /\/\$ r 0|\| 2 |_|5 lolz


• “w00t” or the smiley character \o/: An acronym that usually means <b>“We Own the Other Team,”</b> used to celebrate victory in a video game.

…I never knew that :open_mouth:

Ha ha, educational.

Red- Batman’s smile is priceless in your sig. Who knew he was into large black women?


Man, that made me hurt all the way to my brainstem.

I voted no. just out of spite. “Needs more information”

Viva sporgery.

Hah! Microsoft has officially pwnz0rd all of you 1337 h4x0rz. This, to jump back 5 years or so, r0x0rz both my s0x0rz and my b0x0rz.

It’s important to remember that the leetspeek community encourages new forms and awards individual creativity, resulting in a dynamic written language that eludes conformity or consistency.

That part is great. They act like leet is actually used and liked rather than being used 90% of the time to make fun of stupid kids that actually use it or are really stupid.


It’s also a way to encrypt things. When I’m talking to some of my friends over IM and my mother decides she wants to annoy me by watching, I switch to full bore heavily referenced 13375p34|< 50 45 +o (0|||=|_|53 7}{3 3||3|/|’/.

I’m not as fast as I once was, of course.

Also, I’ve seen a few people refer to pr0n as “pwn”. It’s one less keystroke and we use it a lot anyway.

[edit]synesthesia tastes like purple…

Apparently it was on an episode of Justice League of America…or Justice League Unlimited…or Justice League Hardcore Bungaloe, whatever they’re calling it now. Someone had this on yntmd with the twilight zone theme playing, but it just doesn’t have the same effect; maybe some Marvin Gaye would’ve been better…

Also, my pre-calculus teacher (Cro can vouch for this) sometimes says things that one wouldn’t normally expect to see outside of an IM window much less offline. ;_;

This reminds me of the time when Madeline Albright pronounced “warez” “wah-reh-ez”, giving it a french accent. I dunno, something about seeing such a lame company like microsoft teaching 1337 is weird.

Takt the time to click on the “online gaming lingo” too. It’s not as funny as this one, but there are some quotable things like

Oh, and I so have to comment these:

(…)understanding what your teenager’s online slang means and how to decipher it could be important (…) as you help guide their online experience.

-(at Google’s query page)“Sonny, if you type pornographic instead of ‘pr0n’, you will get better results!”

“n00b,” “noob,”(…): Combinations synonymous with new user.

Wrong. Some people will die of age without ever ceasing to be noobs.

Oh, and M$ actually made a useful page! The netiquette link shows a page that should be present in every PC manual. If half the guidelines in there were followed throughout webboards, there would be no need for bannings.

edit: WTF LOLZ!

Help prevent online piracy at home.

There are many different places on the Web where you and your children can download software, movies, games, and music for free or for a low price. For example, [b]MSN Music/b

:ah-ha!: This really puts the $ in Micro$oft.

RC: It’s from Justice League Unlimited. The woman is Amanda Waller, who (in both the cartoon and the comics) is one big MF, so don’t take her ligthly. She was part of the Anti-JL conspiracy in JLU. Batman obviously wanted to show her that he could sneak on her at any time. Though WHY he had to do it when she was taking a shower…? No comment.


I have a mental image of a “Microsoft 13375p34k Research Team” right now. And it’s hilarious.

That’s a woman?!? I thought it was a man in drag… >_>

Now that animation isn’t as funny. :smiley:

To be in drag you have to have clothes on.