Shove over Harry Potter, here’s a REAL bastard that comes to Hogwarts
Oh yeah,this is the book that millions of people would want(including me)I mean common look at that face it compells you to buy it.
Lezard and Leon
For real, I’d tap that shit.
…the fuh?
That is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day. And I saw a 3-legged poodle earlier.
Trillions of children and adults the worlds’ over have fallen head-over-heels for the boyhood adventures of young wizard Lezard Valeth
I’m one of them.
Isn’t it generally a bad idea to stand in front of moving trains…? O_O
No no when your a wizard you can withstand blows from a train.
:moogle: Its common knoledge.
Valkyrie profile.
I’d tap that.
Celes my love
If he goes to a place called Flenceburg, then why does it say Howarts? …I’m shutting up now.
He looks like Dominic Deegan, too.
Seriously, he just needs the scarf to fit the picture.
Mmm, satire.
It is. Why do you think it’s loved so much?
So… so… so tempting…
Lezard Valeth is the EVIL ADULT POTTER. Everyone know that.
All they need now is to add a towering hair monster janitor called Plagard.
Holy shit lunaris.