NOTICE: Inactive User Account Purge on May 17th

Originally posted by Merlin
I think there are something like almost 100 users waiting for email confirmation alone…

I know one of them. He’s still sitting there waiting… Now thet I think of it, I forgot to tell him that he can rejoin…

I think this is a giant conspiracy to keep us from reaching 666 users again.

Originally posted by Cala
I think this is a giant conspiracy to keep us from reaching 666 users again.

Oh, I’m sure we’ll reach 666 before May 27th.

<img src=“”> Of which 444 will never speak.

But who gives a crap about those 444, anyway? It’s the other 222 that matter, because I’m one of them! ^^

We do have 651 members currently… Hey, we might not, anyway. ^.^

<img src=“”> Suggestion: change it to 5 posts or so. A lot of people just make a welcome thread, post twice, never return.

No, that’s a bad idea. Leave it at zero.

I never understood the people that say “Hi” and never return.

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“”> Suggestion: change it to 5 posts or so. A lot of people just make a welcome thread, post twice, never return.

Originally posted by Xelopheris


We could just make it Xelocide. :stuck_out_tongue:

rimshot for bad joke

Kill! Raze the Earth in the cleansing hellfires! Do it!

Or just kill Frame for that lame joke (Translation: Kill him cuz he beat me to it ;.:wink:

I considered that joke, too, but decided against it. Better to raze the Earth than to commit Xelocide.

Never had I thought I’d be cheered for using the fires of eradication…

I see no remorse here. We all agree
Go for it =P

We don’t like them 0 posters. You should do this on a monthly basis assuming it’s not like manually deleting each account.

We like fire, and we hate people who don’t post! Kill them all, gouge their eyes out THROUGH THEIR NOSES!

I prefer to gouge eyes through the bellybutton, more internal injurys that way.:o :o