
So, that FF13 project went well.

I know right? I’ve always just been a visitor… but I really hoped this place would persevere. But FF13 sucked anyway.

FF13 project?[/SolidSnakeVoice]

There haven’t been many good RPGs lately. Mass Effect 2 was more action than RPG, the less said about Dragon Age 2 the better, and living in the US has been surprisingly bad for JRPGs lately, plus DQX being an MMO is goddamn ridiculous.

Killmore: Amen. (Though I love the Mass Effect series).

The FFXIII project was meant to be a community involvement, not a single person’s job. The game is pretty fucking big. You can’t sit there and complain that there isn’t a FFXIII shrine if you chose to not really try to make it happen.

The problem with FFXIII is what’s there to shrine?

Character growth suggestions for everything [STRIKE]prior to the post game[/STRIKE] is to dump as many CPs into Crystariums as possible since they always sport a very limited hard cap dictated entirely by where you are in the story. Recommended party suggestions only really apply for the latter half of the game when the game get’s bored of having you run around with the two characters the plot decided you should have for that section. Weapon/Accessory customization suggestions are pretty much limited to “Do nothing until end game., Sell off everything but the most cheap and efficient experience multiplying and experience raising items., Purchase only the most cheap and efficient experience multiplying and experience raising items., Break apart weapons and items that you don’t need for items to use for evolutions or to sell for money to purchase the most cheap and efficient experience multiplying and experience raising items., Farm Turtles., GOTO 10.”. And side quest suggestions would consist entirely of waiting for post game to do a few hunts. The rest would consist of pointing out what the game wants you to use for this particular fight which would comprise of 99.99% of the guide.

There just isn’t anything to shrine except a barebones walkthrough and a trophy list which GameFAQs already covers anyway.

I’m reminded of that one April Fools here where someone did a “shrine” for an RPG on something like Atari, and it was a really barebones game (of course) so the walkthrough basically consisted of the same instructions repeated over and over again.

(As an aside, I’m also realizing how few places I still know about where I posted under the name Yar Kramer. Dang, it’s been a while …)