I can’t believe you’re even asking such a thing
Now i could see if they were Gang members, but you said they were not, therefore they were just playing a joke.
I never came out and said No they’re not in a gang. I said that I am unfamiliar with such things here, but then Sorc made me re think that.
Also if I wouldn’t get my ass kicked about gang insignia, chances are they were picking at my image and essentially calling me a wigger, which I’m not. it’s not unheard of, a certain social group getting mad because a certain image of “theirs” is “stolen” (which is all highly debatable) you know…maybe it was for both reasons, I don’t know. I just didn’t like how they singled that out and thus prompted my extreme dislike.
Here is all i have to say:
There are alot of assholes in the world, so get used to it.
People are weird.
They got this silly idea that clothes make the person. Everyone knows that it is the person who makes the clothes.
It will probably not be the last time it happens, not as long, as people continue to have the silly idea that clothes are something more than just clothes.
Was that confusing enough?
Originally posted by BlueMageOne
Here is all i have to say:
There are alot of assholes in the world, so get used to it.
But I have so much love to give sigh
Good saying Nul. I had realized that but but but it was so…pointless. Over a freaking bandana. Grr arrg.
Perhaps its a gang sign? Maybe he is in a rival gang?
Uh oh, i fear for you now Eva.
Originally posted by Evangelion
I’m not looking for help I’m just saying how pig headed some people can be <strike>when it comes down to race and image, and I want to see what everyone else thinks.</strike>
Nul and BM1 are right. People can be pretty damned stupid about insignificant little piss-ant things.
Originally posted by BlueMageOne
Here is all i have to say:
There are alot of assholes in the world, so get used to it.
Just because he’s so very right.
Yeah. Sorry guys for bringing up two personal instances in a row, I must sound awfully naive.
I doubt it has anything to do with race or gangs. I’ve been in situations like that too, random strangers walk up to you and start trying to make trouble. Ignoring them is the best thing, because by not giving them anything that looks like a provocation prevents them from going that last little bit to really get in your face.
BM1 said it best, and I’m not going to bother quoting him because it’s been done twice already.
I guess I find it a bit odd that you keep harping on the “black” thing. If they had been 3 beefy white guys, would you have been just as scared?
Anyway, since we’re all the same race I tend not to differentiate in that way… I’ve found that lumping people into “stupid” or “not stupid” works better. And yeah, these people sound stupid… and I would probably chalk it up to that and not dwell on it too much, as they really aren’t worth it.
Gut Feeling? They just wanted to fuck with your head because it makes them feel big about themselves or they think its cool.
Originally posted by KaiserVonAlmasy
Gut Feeling? They just wanted to fuck with your head because it makes them feel big about themselves or they think its cool.
Most likely.
I wear green and black bandannas. I’m not part of a gang though.
Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
That’s basically our social circle, mind you I like being as others call me ‘a freak’ since the ‘normal’ kids are a bunch of assholes.
Based on the fact that normal = popular
in our school… people of all race colour subculture seem to go hand in hand. there is no defined normal anymore in our school…
Originally posted by Astral
[b]I guess I find it a bit odd that you keep harping on the “black” thing. If they had been 3 beefy white guys, would you have been just as scared?Anyway, since we’re all the same race I tend not to differentiate in that way… I’ve found that lumping people into “stupid” or “not stupid” works better. And yeah, these people sound stupid… and I would probably chalk it up to that and not dwell on it too much, as they really aren’t worth it. [/b]
I kept pointing that out because they also had bandana’s around thier heads and in my school, coloured people are more likely to fuck with you about their type of image than white people And hell yes I still would have been scared but I’m not totally innocent so I would expect that type of behavior from black people more, I guess. Just after witnessing a several confrontations and having that said to me, well it’s kind of hard not to.
At my school there are actually very few black people, but most of them are pretty cool.
Anyway, I actually know one person in a ‘gang’ type thing, and a few in a ‘posse’. Most of them are complete idiots, that are only there to show off and look cool doing nothing. So whenever I see them I just ignore, even if they are talking directly at me.