No more playing Tag?

Recess is "a time when accidents can happen

Hells bells Ms. Gaylene Heppe

Why not just ban recess all together, that will keep the kids safe!
Damn with a name like GAYlene is it any wonder she doesn’t like recess?

Don’t make those kinds of jokes, ziggy.

I’m not american and I don’t know how that’s played, and now I’m curious. Could you please tell me about it?


You get a bunch of people. One of them is “it.” He goes around chasing the other people. If he tags someone (usually one hand tag, I believe), that person is now it. People usually adopt the rules of no tagbacks so that a person can’t be retagged immediately after tagging someone else.

I know it :stuck_out_tongue: I used to play a lot, we call it “catch-catch” here. I meant the queer one.

Smear the queer? You know those FPS games where one person holds an object, usually a ball, and the rest of the players have to try and kill him? Yeah. That’s smear the queer (although the playground version usually doesn’t involve killing).

Seems entertaining. We play the quite reverse of that here. There is a ball in the field, and everybody runs towards it. Once someone reaches the ball, though, everybody runs away from it, because the one with the ball is going to deliver one hell of a nasty “ball bomb” kick against one of the closest targets.

I used to play a version of that, only no kicking was involved. We’d all gather in a group and the ball would be thrown up in the air. Then we’d all try to catch it. Whoever caught it got a chance to hit someone else with the ball so we’d all run away from that guy. Whoever caught it would say freeze, meaning we’d have to stay in place. Then the guy with the ball got to take two giant steps in any direction and then hit someone with the ball.

We had that here too. When there were girls playing with us we’d do the shout freeze and throw the ball one, but when there were only boys it was the cannon kick one.

I believe there are some sick people out there who have.

“School bans tag, other chase games”

This is fucking hipocritical. They bitch and moan that America is the fattest country and even REPLACED all our chips, candy and soda with “fat-free”,“baked”, “soy crap” So what are you trying to tell me? That Im fat? Who the hell are you to tell me what to eat? Maybe I want to die from a cardiac arrest. And now they ban a pretty good exercise game for fear of of what, falling? Scraped knees? “Oh whoa is is your child! Oh dear, what a predicament!” People need to fuck off and let live. Live and let live dammit. And all those lawsuits are not even for the purpose. The plaintiffs just want the friggin’ money is all! They’re just trying to find loop holes into the system and squeeze any little thing they can benefit from. Its like everyone is PMSing and anyone who isnt happens to be the “boyfriend” if you get what I mean.

On a similar topic, my old elementary school (or maybe the district, I don’t remember) is banning all things not scholastic during schooltime or something. For example, that means that the kids can’t practice for the play during class, no more holloween parade,etc.

Someone should sue the school for killing childhood.

I like how, once again, people are blaming the game (even though it isn’t a video game in this case).

Last year the new elementary principle banned pop from the elementary. This year they turn off all the pop and candy machines until school is out. It’s a sick world out there.

We used a more obvious name for that game. “Kill the man with the ball”.

As for the original article, it looks like the school wants to cover themselves from lawsuits by eliminating the most likely cases of harm. It’s a shame, why don’t parents realize anymore that someone getting hurt is just the way kids figure out when they’re done playing.