New: from israel


I. The internet.
II. The internet.




Speaking of $$$ and the עבריים


Oh I’m sorry. I misspoke. About your country I meant to say that you’ve has perfected over the centuries a very subtle and precise mode of antisemitism which only in recent years, (not counting the final, extravagant colonial blowout in Mandate Palestine) rears its head in the form of aggressive ignorance and such dime-store attempts to subdue a non-existent ‘apartheid state’ as the academic and cultural ‘boycotts’ espoused by British professors.

While I admit it sounds worse here than it indubitably is, my main contact with English culture is in popular and scholarly periodicals and some BBC (and Channel 4), aside from the vast ocean of British literature and history on the tides of which I drift, and to which belongs a veritable current of antisemitism, such that one of Philip Roth’s characters says that all modern antisemitism emanates from Shylock, Jew of Venice. For more, I’ll refer you to Anthony Julius’s Trials of the Diaspora into which I’ve only dipped but is sure to be an enlightening read.

And anyway, I hear they’re curing cancer over there.

The cure to cancer is eating plants and cooking meth. :frowning:

Do you mean anti-zionist? Anyway, I’m not getting into that discussion again (sweet internet experience pays dividends here) but consider the treatment of an an Israeli and a Palestinian by the state.

P.s. Not my country.

Anti-zionism and anti-semitism in the west today are nearly identical and converging.

But the point is, every western government does things as bad or worse than even Netanyahu’s wicked bunch. My government, the American, has been shitting and pissing on every country it can get its hands on for 100 years now, causing more suffering and death than the IDF can dream of doing on a good day, and that’s for fucking oil, not even remotely national survival. No one needs to be reminded of the crimes of the English, who’ve only recently ended their centuries-long reign of destruction upon this planet. China and Russia are still blowing the bloody doors off, both in terms of real, physical oppression and psychical oppression of their own citizens. Not to mention the Arab states, who’ve batted the Palestinian problem around to their own benefit as much as the Israelis, and for most of them that’s just the beginning.

Singling out Israel as a uniquely evil country, by citizens of places like the USA, Great Britain, Russia, etc. is one of the contemporary faces of antisemitism.

America has a way, way, way higher imprisonment rate than [strike]Israel[/strike] everywhere else.

Wait a minute! I remember you now. You’re that neo con from Texas right?

I think he’s the neo-con who thinks/thought The Jam were ever worth listening to. Their name is The Jam. Come fucking on. That should tell you everything you need to know.

For a moment there I thought that you were quoting one of Ben Gurion’s contemporaries alluding to Borochov’s disciples.

disturbingly large portion of mine and Ben-Gurion’s comrades on the left,
(not my country either, the anti-Semitism there is far from subtle – the word Pogrom was coined by my ex-compatriots)

this dude was constantly harassed by RPGC “socialists”

If you could see the face palm I’m making right now it would be huge. :fungah:

I’m fairly sure most critics of Israel’s policies in the UK/US are also critical of their own hijinks. But anyway, ‘you too’ is not really a denial. Rigmarole out.

That would make Arac a moderate crusty for whom ‘punk rock’ translates to ‘shitty pseudo-metal noise.’

What makes me that? Also, yes.

Shitty pseudo-metal noise FTW.

Humans actually can store vitamin C. It’s just in chewable, orange-flavored wafer form.