til it happens.
Just this weekend someone I sorta knew comitted suicide. His name’s David Deal. Weird, cause he seemed fine. Didn’t give off the ‘signs.’
Not too shook up about it, but am saddened, because I’m pretty sure he had a kid on the way (even though he was a sophomore).
He was happy about the kid, though. Always talkin’ about what they were gonna name it. Really weird.
Edit: Just found out how, too.
Shot himself in the face =\
Yeah that sort of thing always breaks my heart. Can’t help but feel sorry for the person…it’s weird because usually anyone who has heard news like that feels compelled to pay respects and cry their eyes out over the suicide and if you don’t they like brand you as cold hearted. Poor guy.
Sad news indeed. This is the kind of thing nobody can understand.
<img src=“http://cala.nulani.net/images/calacat.gif”>I knew two people who killed themselves. One slit his wrists and the other shot herself. I didn’t know how to handle it and don’t remember how I did, either. Wouldn’t have the nerve to do it, m’self.
There are those that won’t tell anyone, they don’t want to bother anyone with their problems.
A sad story, and sadly not unique at all.
Despite my own thoughts of suicide, I am not affected as others would think I’d be whenever someone I know commits it. TO me, this jsut says that the person gave up completely, and decided that Life wasn’t worth fighting for anymore. I’ve discarded those thoughts for good, and I really can’t say I feel sadness or pityfor anyone who decides to end his life now.
Guess I don’t care about people as much as many think i do.
Well, Val, some people fall into despair and lose all the hope they had left.
Personally, I don’t approve the idea of just giving up like that, but this is sad and regrettable, nonetheless.
Theres nothing you can really do but feel sad for them. :too bad;
Originally posted by Devillion
Theres nothing you can really do but feel sad for them. :too bad;
I knew a girl who was 16 and discovered that a baby was onway because of a love night with her bf but without condoms. By that time, she had been pregnant for 1-2 months, I dunno exactly. It is a very, very long story from this point to her death but it suffices to know that she jumped from the 4th floor of a mall, straight to the plaza or whatever you call it in the 1st floor. I felt pity for the baby.
Anyway, when people really want to commit suicide, they mostly don’t say it to other people. Almost every time we see of persons wreaking some havoc, saying “I’m going to kill myself!” and having to be rescued by someone are cases in which the suicidal wannabe only needed more attention and affection from other people, and what they do in such cases is a way to get such things.
Originally posted by Devillion
Theres nothing you can really do but feel sad for them. :too bad;
Originally posted by Valkyrie Esker
[b]Despite my own thoughts of suicide, I am not affected as others would think I’d be whenever someone I know commits it. TO me, this jsut says that the person gave up completely, and decided that Life wasn’t worth fighting for anymore. I’ve discarded those thoughts for good, and I really can’t say I feel sadness or pityfor anyone who decides to end his life now.Guess I don’t care about people as much as many think i do. [/b]
I said that once and got told straight up that depression and suicidal tendencies is a disease and a psychological imblance that can’t really be controlled without professional help. Actually I got a lecture, after calling some (not all) suidical people a bit weak. I don’t mean that in a bad way, but meh I’m not educated in the matter so.
Fucking fuck, suicide is the dumbest concept in the world. Things are bad, sure. But thing fucking change. Things get better. It doesn’t always happen as quick as you like, but things fucking change.
Originally posted by Shinobi
Fucking fuck, suicide is the dumbest concept in the world. Things are bad, sure. But thing fucking change. Things get better. It doesn’t always happen as quick as you like, but things fucking change.
Not as diplomatically said as I would prefer, but that’s pretty much how I feel. I also pity people who can’t see past the immediate and realize this.
Originally posted by Shinobi
Fucking fuck, suicide is the dumbest concept in the world. Things are bad, sure. But thing fucking change. Things get better. It doesn’t always happen as quick as you like, but things fucking change.
My thoughts exactly.
Have I ever thought about killing myself? Yes. In fact, with my hard time in school right now, I’ve thought about french-kissing my dad’s shotgun a hundred times an hour ago. However, I push it aside because if I keep going, and suceed, I can laugh in the face of those that doubted me. It’s strangely satisfying.
For example, I needed to take Spanish two years in order to get into college. I essentially suck at it, so when I took Spanish 1 my junior year, I got a C one semester and a D another. I then forged into Spanish 2, as I had no choice, and got another C first semester. Then I risked everything and opted not to take Spanish 1 second semester again, and use the loophole that, if I got a higher grade than I got in Spanish 1 for my Spanish 2 second semester, it would override it, and I would get the two years’ credit anyway. I began to instantly suffer from stress attacks and drop in grades. I thought long and hard about suicide every single day, until I got my grade up to a high C. Then I just kept it at that level, got the C I needed, and laughed in the face of the counselor who said I was a fucking moron for doing that. Well, I actually laughed behind his back, but you get the jest of it.
And I feel sorry for the guy. I feel sorry for people who, like me, are stupid. We screw up so much, blame ourselves for it, then take the easy way out. I wish I could say more.
d, if your fucking [u]councellor[/i] called you a moron, I’dve either sued him or moved school/college/whatever. It’s suppose to be his job to encouage people, not put them down.
Steve, I don’t think there’s any ‘right’ way to handle something like death. All you can do is go on. I’ve been damn depressed at times, especially after g/f was murdered, but suicidal? No. After everything happens badly, you can’t really do anything for them except get on with your life and not forget them.
Actually, I don’t feel sad for the person who committed suicide. NOW he doesn’t feel anything anymore anyways And pity won’t bring him back to life either. I just pity the people who cared about him because now it’ll be a hard time for them. And I especially his kid. Poor thing. :too bad; When he grows up and sees that everyone has a father but him, he’ll ask why… And I doubt the answer will be easy for his mother.
Originally posted by Evangelion
I said that once and got told straight up that depression and suicidal tendencies is a disease and a psychological imblance that can’t really be controlled without professional help. Actually I got a lecture, after calling some (not all) suidical people a bit weak. I don’t mean that in a bad way, but meh I’m not educated in the matter so.
Depression is a disease, and susceptibility is genetic. My dad had/has it. It’s not a constant thing, but it can get you real down at times.
What DT said.
One girl in my class in grade 9 tried to comitt suicide, but failed. Apart from that, the only suicide I’ve heard about around here was a man who worked at one of the schools. He slit his own throat in the bathtub so people would have an easy time cleaning up.