My yearly holiday rant.

As always this time of year, there’s a round of silly political correctness which bugs the heck out of me. Although I usually hate that sort of thing, I’m beginning to see that there’s a tiny bit that still needs to stick around.

Item 1: A judge in Toronto’s courthouse orders a Christmas tree moved from the front hall to a hidden, out-of-the-way hallway.

Frankly, as far as I’m concerned, Christmas trees are the least religious symbol anywhere in the world. They look nice, they aren’t bugging anyone, and they have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. They are, in fact, the nicest part of the holiday season as far as I’m concerned.

Item 2: A rabbi demands that an airport put up a menorah alongside their Christmas tree. The airport takes down the Christmas tree instead. The rabbi, mortified, tells them that’s not what he meant, and they put it back up.

Here again I don’t agree. As a Jew, I realize that I’m living in a country which is largely either Christian or secular. I can’t expect other places to put up symbols to holidays which they don’t celebrate. I’m especially bugged that he demanded a menorah (public menorahs are useless according to Jewish law) but not, for example, an outside hut during the holiday of Sukkot in October (Jews must eat meals in the huts during the holiday, and can’t eat them elsewhere). Chanukah is a quite minor holiday; it just gets a lot of airtime because of the pretty lights and the nearness to Christmas.

Item 3: People wishing me a “Merry Christmas”.

Now here is where I start getting annoyed. I’m an Orthodox Jew; I walk around with a quite visible kippah. If you’re wishing me a Merry Christmas, it’s because a) you’re entirely ignorant, or b) you don’t care. Frankly, when it’s a personal statement to me, I’d rather you kept your mouth closed. I don’t need you wishing me a happy Chanukah either, because you won’t wish me a happy Passover or Purim, and I know you don’t celebrate them anyway, and most of the time it isn’t even Chanukah when you say it. “Happy Holidays” is just as bad, because we all know which holiday you mean. Do me a favor and just end off with “have a nice day”.

Basically, I have no problem with Christmas trees, Santa Claus, and Christmas songs (though the latter really really REALLY gets on my nerves). Images of Jesus and Mary do make me uncomfortable, but not to the point where I’d complain, since I don’t own the country. Only when it’s a personal statement to me does it start to really bother me. (And if it’s over the phone, I’d tell you to skip the holiday greetings entirely, as you have no way of knowing if anyone celebrates anything this time of year.) As for everything else: hey, it’s your country. We’re perfectly capable of celebrating our own holidays. If you visit Israel, don’t expect anyone to wish you “Happy Holidays” around December-time. I wouldn’t expect the same here.

I agree with said points.

You’re bothered by the political correctness but get annoyed when people aren’t politically correct and wish you a merry Christmas?

If I see “A Christmas Story” one more god damn time while I’m flipping through TV channels I’m going to kill someone.

What happens if your not having a nice day?

Kippah is the beanie-esque full head hat right? What kind of fucking moron would wish you a merry christmas?? O__o

You’re bothered by the political correctness but get annoyed when people aren’t politically correct and wish you a merry Christmas?

As I said in the introduction, the PC-ness bothers me, but I agree that it does make sense in certain situations. Namely, I don’t think people should be wishing me, personally, a merry Christmas, as that assumes that I celebrate it, which I emphatically don’t. Signs or flyers wishing the general public a merry Christmas don’t bother me, though, because it isn’t directed at me.

What happens if your not having a nice day?

“Have a nice day” is future tense, not present.

Kippah is the beanie-esque full head hat right? What kind of fucking moron would wish you a merry christmas?? O__o

A kippah is a skullcap; some cover the whole head, some don’t, but it’s immediately noticeable. People at stores have seen me and still told me “Merry Christmas”. They’re just clueless. Either that or their management gave them a confusing policy they’re mindlessly following.

That question really answers itself.

It’ll most likely be on at least two channels at once.

P.S. You’ll shoot your eye out.

I agree with most of your rants, Cid.

I have jewish friends and they always wish me a happy Chanukah by this time of the year, [edit: and I’m probably the only non-jewish person they wish it wo, but because we’re close and take it light heartedly - They don’t mean to offend me, I don’t mean to offend them nor you]. I never got offended by it. As I see it, it shows that they see me as a friend. Other people have also wished me a happy Ramadan, and there was a time, not quite by the holidays, that someone wished me a happy Chinese New Year. I don’t celebrate neither of those three, but they carry no content that could harm me, nor a message that I find offensive, so I can’t feel sad or angry for them wishing me so.

If you get offended by the Merry Christmas wishing because you feel like it’s forcing christainty upon you, at least think that there is more to the holiday than just Jesus. JC wasn’t even born this time of the year, I believe, and is just a pretext for the festivities dodges stones thrown by zealots. Where this holiday originated, it was about getting together with your friends and exchanging gifts. So you could do like me and pay more attention to the “I wish you a happy party along the people you like and love” part of the message and ignore the “OMG Messiah!” (anybody remember The Life of Brian?) part. I don’t celebrate Christmas as other people do, because the core religious content is nowadays meaningless to me, but I’m still there with my friends. I wouldn’t miss the cakes, firecracks, and ‘secret santas’.

I really don’t see the greetings as meaning that, though. If someone wishes you a happy X, that means that they’re assuming that X is part of your life and is some reason for you to be happy. If it’s not part of my life, I don’t appreciate the intimation that it should be just because it’s part of the well-wisher’s life. I don’t wish people happy Chanukah, and it makes no sense to me to do so, since I know they couldn’t care less about Chanukah. All I’d really be saying is “I hope I have a happy Chanukah!” but in a back-handed way.

Even if Christmas is not overtly Christian, it’s still not something I celebrate nor do I wish to. If it isn’t religious, it’s essentially celebrating the Mighty Dollar and the importance of spending wads of cash giving people gifts they don’t need.

Like I said, I don’t care if people want to publicize it, put out flyers with it, put on TV specials and music and who cares what. It’s your country. I just think it’s presumptuous to assume that absolutely everyone takes part in it, which they don’t.

Have a merry Christmas, Cid.

See, I’m wishing that you have a wonderful December 25th. :slight_smile: It’s like “Have a nice day” but specific for which date. :slight_smile:

I don’t see anything wrong with happy holidays. o.o I wish that to people too, more meaning like “well if you don’t celebrate christmas, then at least enjoy the free days you’ll be having off work/ school/ whatever, IF you have any”.

Considering the lack of religious spirit, people probably intend to wish you a good time during the Christmas season. Or they are afraid you’ll get insulted if they wish you just a good day :wink:

Ren, Dec 25 was at the time thought to be the date of the winter solstice. At the same day the birthday of Mitra and the day of “natalis solis invicti” (birth of the invincible/unconquered sun) were celebrated, thus it was a good day to use.

Yes, that’s the thing I was talking about. Thanks, Rig!

See, I’m wishing that you have a wonderful December 25th.

I don’t have any particular reason to have a wonderful December 25th, though, any more than I should have a wonderful May 17th. 8p Seriously, though, the entire fact that you’re wishing me a wonderful December 25th indicates that you think I should treat that day as special when I have no intention of doing so.

I don’t see anything wrong with happy holidays. o.o I wish that to people too, more meaning like “well if you don’t celebrate christmas, then at least enjoy the free days you’ll be having off work/ school/ whatever, IF you have any”.

I don’t think too many people associate it with that, though. It’s more like “enjoy whatever holiday you do celebrate; it’s too tough to figure out just which one it is, but I’m sure you celebrate something around this time of year; after all, I do.”

Considering the lack of religious spirit, people probably intend to wish you a good time during the Christmas season. Or they are afraid you’ll get insulted if they wish you just a good day :wink:

Considering that the Christmas season largely consists of incredibly frustrated shoppers, giant traffic jams, and sanity-reducing musical pap, I’d prefer that they’d be more realistic and just tell me they hope I’ll get through the season. 8p
I can’t imagine how “have a nice day” could possibly be insulting.

So be it, then. I wish you get through everybody’s holidays without going insane.

Dammit 984, you did what I was gonna do.

But really, you hate the political correctness, yet someone not being politically correct towards you directly is offensive? You’re fine with the public doing as they wish and going about their business, but if they’re in the “christmas spirit” and wanna wish you a “merry christmas” you’re going to take personal offense to it as opposed to oh… shrugging it off? If you don’t care for it or have any reason to celebrate it, why get your panties all in a bundle over something (as you’ve previously said) thats of no concern to you? It only pesters you because you let it. You don’t have to be all “ugh, jesus not son of god, stfu n00bs.” Just shrug it off, say “thanks” and be done with it :stuck_out_tongue:

Now here is where I start getting annoyed. I’m an Orthodox Jew; I walk around with a quite visible kippah. If you’re wishing me a Merry Christmas, it’s because a) you’re entirely ignorant, or b) you don’t care. Frankly, when it’s a personal statement to me, I’d rather you kept your mouth closed. I don’t need you wishing me a happy Chanukah either, because you won’t wish me a happy Passover or Purim, and I know you don’t celebrate them anyway, and most of the time it isn’t even Chanukah when you say it. “Happy Holidays” is just as bad, because we all know which holiday you mean. Do me a favor and just end off with “have a nice day”.

I think its more that people just tend to go on auto-pilot with things like “Merry Christmas” around the holiday season, and the kippah doesn’t register even if they know what it means. Kippahs aren’t that unusual a site in America, and don’t really cause people to stop and think, and I could see how someone, especially if they’re working a job where they had to say “merry Christmas” every time someone bought something, would just do it without consciously realizing it would be inappropriate. STrange as it may sound.

I think we can all agree that the Pagans are really at fault here.