Most Pathetic FF character?

wonderin who you thought the most pathetic FF character is.
Vivi’s pretty pathetic getting knocked over y a wee girl. If i were him i woulda burt the ass with FIRE!!!:slight_smile:

Banon, the guys so useless and soft. He dies once and can’t be revived so the game ends, his hair is cool though.


Dude, you just insulted a black faceless mage. If Booken gets here he’ll burn your ass.

Most of the FF9 characters are pathetic.Rinoa is also pathetic, all girly and angel-winged in battle.Bah.

I’m quite sure thats not a spoiler, it doesn’t ruin any of the story or nothing, and most people get further than it in no time.

I’d have to say Zack. He’s just a fricking plot-hole closing device :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Evangelion
Most of the FF9 characters are pathetic.Rinoa is also pathetic, all girly and angel-winged in battle.Bah.

Angel wings are cool! And angels are cute!

I didn’t see much character depth in Squall (most because he never TALKED)

Originally posted by Griever2k2
wonderin who you thought the most pathetic FF character is.
Vivi’s pretty pathetic getting knocked over y a wee girl. If i were him i woulda burt the ass with FIRE!!!:slight_smile:

Bring forth Lighting from the heavens to strike down Griever2k2 and turn him into ash
Drops a Glacier and watch it all fall on Griever2k2 in a rumbling crash
Detach a meteor from the moonlight sky and makes it fall on Griever2k2, burning him to the core in a fiero explosion.

Had enough?

Anyway, the most useless guy was that one in Narsh… the leader… all he did was taking Terra’s crown off… besides that

This is rather similar to the “worst FF hero” tournament going on. I refer you to my votes / opinions there.

If you’re too lazy for that, here’s the short list:

TIDUS (in all caps for extra suckiness)
Zell (Die, Chicken Wuss, Die!)

And don’t be too hard on Rinoa. Her superficial (and bad) taste in boyfriends (and the stupid things it causes her to say and do) notwithstanding, she’s pretty good in a fight (even though its mostly attributable to her kick-ass doggie). And her weapon looks cool.

No way, Zell was totally cool!


Cait Sith (he irritated the crap out of me. I really, really hoped he’d just bugger off and die somewhere).
Selphie was useful in the game, but god, she was the most irritating thing since mosquito bites on the CENSORED! :stuck_out_tongue:
Quina was just a huge, useless lump of putty (its fighting stance in particular was comical. I was hoping Steiner would go over and push it over at some point) and Frog Drop was a joke.
Tiodus was a whiny little git, and he was pretty pathetic in battle too (especially when compared to Auron)

Oh, and lest I forget:

Gordon from FF2(J). Such a self-loathing whiny prat. Seriously, play FF2 (Buy Origins! Now!) Sure, eventually he gets his confidence up… (once he leaves the party, natch), but by the Gods, before that point, Gordon makes Edward Spoonybard look like Sephiroth in comparison.

that idiot tidus has to be the worse ever, even though that half-ass casanova zidane is not far behind, jeez what a bunch of dopes.

EDIT: mustn’t forget gau! even though i don’t really hate his personality that dammed rage ability of his really pisses me off

Her superficial (and bad) taste in boyfriends (and the stupid things it causes her to say and do) notwithstanding, she’s pretty good in a fight (even though its mostly attributable to her kick-ass doggie). And her weapon looks cool.

Nothing wrong with Squall!He came through in the end:p
She’s too…fragile for a fight.I mean the blue frock and black tights…I wonder if she ever shaves her legs, being out there on the battle field 24/7?And her weapon was so damned slow.It takes a good 4 seconds to execute and…meh I’m too impatient.I just like bang bang bang dead action, and having to watch some priss bounce around like there’s more tomorrow and flick her hair EVERY single time a battle is won…okay so maybe I dont like Rinoa.

I have to agree with Cless. Squall.
I don’t count Squall coming through in the end- he still bitched, whined, and moaned constantly and acted like a constant jerk towards those that loved him. People like that always anger me, and I generally found him to be really just pitiful.

Quina wasn’t that bad. if you gave him/her a chance he/she was pretty funny. And I was obsesive about getting all the Blue Magic.

Edward from FF4. He was such a wimp, my friends and I cheered when we first saw him go over-board

Eiko. Most messed up six-year-old I’ve ever seen.

Characters who annoy me:

TIDUS! (Do I need a reason?)

Cait Sith…he scares me. hides I only put him in my party, like, twice in the entire game!

Rinoa…ugh. She reminds me too much of some people who give me grief at school. Plus, she dated Seifer, damn her!!!