I know I’m not technically back and all, but I just had to post here. The Japanese site for the highly-anticipated (by me, especially) Wild Arms remake has updated again. Here’s some news.
A disc comes with the Japanese version chock full of artwork, the FMVs, and assorted collector’s edition stuff for every Wild Arms game so far. http://www.playstation.jp/scej/title/code_f/yoyaku.html See it here!
Limited edition (I think) Wild Arms: Alter Code F Memory Cards! Very pretty to look at. If they sell these, I’m spraypainting my PS2 a light blue to fit the card. http://www.playstation.jp/scej/title/code_f/memo.html
There’s also a release date for Japan: November 27th, 2003, but no word of a North American release. Everyone, keep your fingers crossed… 8)