If this goes in the chat forum, then move it. However, its more about tech than the actual chat.
I have to have two copies of mIRC open at once, because i need to be connected to two different servers. irc.opa-ages.com for #rpgclassics fun, of course, and another for 1337 haxxor chat.
First off, if there is some way of having two servers open in one mirc window, then tell me.
Second off, the actual problem. In the 1337 haxxor mirc, i need to connect to an fserve and get a file. However, whenever i try to connect (/ctcp), the “User is attempting to start DCC chat with you” window appears in the #rpgclassics mirc window.
So basically, the accept dialog box goes to the wrong server. I type /ctcp in the right server, but the dialog goes to the other.
When i try to accept the dialog, since it is in the wrong server, it tries to initiate chat with a user who doesn’t exsist on irc.opa-ages.com and crashes.
Anyway to stop this?