Mexican Fireleg growth study

I actually thought you wrote all that stuff yourself. While I admit I’ve only read about 60% of your posts since you changed patriotic… It has been quite hilarious and interesting none-the-less!

I like it… don’t stop writing in that style! :slight_smile: (except the fireleg comment, I never said I liked that :confused: … xD)

Edit: *Sorry for continuing this off topic DragonGod, I only just realized! :frowning: *

Hmm… three consecutive feedings that Fireball has ignored the prey items. Crickets or mealworms, it didn’t matter. She just felt them with her pedipalps for about a minute, then simply… walked away ! That’s a definite sign she’s not hungry… so a molt is on the way.

When will it happen ? Anyone’s guess is as good as mine.