Metroid: Zero Mission dumped

<img src=“”> The Metroid: Zero Mission rom has been dumped. If you want it, it’s on my f-serv in #rpgc. If you don’t know how to use it, just ask me on IRC, ICQ or AIM, and I’ll send it. I just made this thread because like 9 people asked me to tell them when it was released, this is just a lot easier. And yes, I asked permission from Zero before posting.

Also, let’s not turn this into an anti-emulation thread.

He’s not requesting anything, so cram it up your pie-holes vigilantes! Bwahahaah!

I tried it. Its pretty exact to the first Metroid, with some lil extras.
The graphics are nice, gameplay smooth…
Oy, I’m so buying it :stuck_out_tongue:

I still suck at it! Wee.

At first I thought the thread title meant that the M:ZM game got cancelled at the last possible minute ::dekar!::

Bought it.

Originally posted by X_countryguy
At first I thought the thread title meant that the M:ZM game got cancelled at the last possible minute ::dekar!::

Tench formulated it that way on purpose. He has finally been corrupted and has joined the evil side. *Nod, nod.

What do you mean “Dumped”?

Emulation r teh dev0l! Every time you load up that game of Duck Hunt, a signal in your computer travels through your internet connection and steals a quarter from Nintendo’s bank account!

Originally posted by Kero Hazel
Emulation r teh dev0l! Every time you load up that game of Duck Hunt, a signal in your computer travels through your internet connection and steals a quarter from Nintendo’s bank account!

And kills a kitten.

Originally posted by Cala
And kills a kitten.

Then burns down a church for kicks.

<img src=“”> I guess that makes me the antichrist. Woo.

Dumping is when the game image is transfered from the original cart to a ‘backup’ located on a computer. In this case, a .gba file. Every rom that exists was dumped from an original cart through some means.

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“”> I guess that makes me the antichrist. Woo.

I’m still probably gonna ask for the dump from you eventually. Funny how things work out, huh?

Pirating rules!

goes download

God, this brings back memories.

However, I still remember how to do The Bomb Jump :smiley: I rock.

EDIT: Damn thing is a VisualBoyAdvance movie, so you gotta right-click and save-as and then lad it from Tools > Play in the menu. It would be a 160MB AVI file otherwise…

Completion time: 2:46

For a first shot I’d say that ain’t bad.

Emulation is like masturbation…it isn’t as good as the real thing.

MY completion time was 2:27 on my first go. EAT THAT ZERO!!!:hahaha;

I got it from a MUSH buddy before. Ah, the nostalgia … [starts humming the Brinstar theme]