Merlin, I hope you're happy...

RPGClassics: We go nuts over the classics!

…and anything else that happens to grab our attention.

is lynched

I’m sorry. /crawls away

Originally posted by Sephiroth Hayes
There is a big fuss over a carton avatar because…?

Because Vicki is the best thing at RPGC and the avvie is dead secksay.

So says her title, so it must be true. And that avvie is pretty cool. Draw it yourself?

That is a pretty cool avvie, Vic. I can see why Merlin and the others were upset to see you change it.

Hmmm get to see that Avvy again, and is still cute. Keep t Vicki, pweaseie?

Okay, it’s settled: I’m a sucker for teh_kawaii.

Good for you. Hmm, that explains … well, a lot of things.

You didn’t like my forlorn little anime girl?

I only used the head before as my avatar because of the size cap. Now that we have a larger cap than on the EZboards, I figured I’d make a new crop of the picture. Also, I didn’t draw it myself - it would be cool if I had though, wouldn’t it?

I am glad that you all seem to like this one so much. It brings a smile to my face.

There was nothing WRONG with your previous avvie…this one just kicks it’s ass up and down the block.

Very intellectual looking