Meh, might as well..

Yeah, got bored, and rediscovered my obsession with Oekaki boards.
This is the result.
I’m not exactly the best artist on the planet, but meh. Thought I might as well post this here.
/…Grrr, if this doesn’t work… >.<

All I see is like a quarter of his face… did your scanner cut stuff off?

:thud: thud Ah, no. Tis supposed to look like that…

Yeah you cant really…see stuff

Originally posted by Cless Alvein
All I see is like a quarter of his face… did your scanner cut stuff off?
Man fool, she said it was Oekaki :stuck_out_tongue: You don’t scan that :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I don’t speak “wannabe-Japanese” :stuck_out_tongue:


for the love of… :fungah:
an oekaki board’s a board where ya can like, draw & such.
In other words, a paint board.

Oh, so THAT’s what it is. Thanks for clearing that one up :slight_smile:

I was thinking it was a pencil board actually

Originally posted by Cless Alvein
Sorry, I don’t speak “wannabe-Japanese” :stuck_out_tongue:
Neither do I! I speak HARDCORE JAPANESE! Fuck you! Just because I’ve barely memorized 20 hiragana is no reason to insult my language! ;;;;;;;;___;;;;;

Originally posted by Tomiko
Just because I’ve barely memorized 20 hiragana is no reason to insult my language!

:open_mouth: O: It isn’t? :open_mouth: O:

Looks pretty good for what is shown Mars. Now now peeps let’s don’t go and start insulting each other. I didn’t know what Oekaki was until now so I learned something new today. Let’s just appreciate it for what it is…