Megaman Confusion...

No, sorry. It’s got MM 1 - 8, plus the two Mega Man Power Battle games.

Thats like describing final fantasy as oooh the main character does some stuff then theres some badguys and then the end of the world almost and omg the happy ending.

And not to mention that you described the X series mostly… (however, there was “evil energy” in Megaman 8…)

“some guys make some robots and they fight each other” covers the megaman series pretty well

Megaman have as much a story as the Zelda games.
Any reason is good for a sequel.

I just bought Megaman X8 today for a smooth 10 bucks at a pawn shop. So that gives me motivation to finally play X5.

Anyway, if I play X8 before playing X6 and X7, will the world explode? Are they going to start throwing characters at me that were introduced in X6 and X7 and expect me to know who they are? Are X6 and X7 even worth playing at all?

Since X7-X8 either happened between X4 and X5, or at least between the end of X6 and Zero’s final scene in X6, no it’ll be fine if you haven’t played X6 yet (Not that you are missing much, the game is easy as hell). X7 however is where Axl is introduced, so that’s a pretty big deal.

I submit that story and form are orthogonal components of an entertainment device.


Maybe I’ll just sell Megaman X8 for a smooth profit instead.

Any offers? =D

I haven’t touched my PS2 in months. Pass. :3

I’m not even trying to troll, I personally think that if its a Megaman game that didn’t originally come out on a cartridge, it sucks. Don’t tell me the redeeming qualities of x4 and x5. I don’t care, they just weren’t as cool. 8? Now that’s a kid’s game.

Not talking about handhelds. I ain’t fux like dat.