A sibling of a loved one of mine has recently been having problems…apparently his sinuses are blocked by two lumps, up his nose; pulposus. And he has been getting bad headaches, and it might be cancer…but I don’t know. The bomb was just dropped and I heard it from someone else, and I really don’t know what to think…what could this be? Can cancer be associated with your sinuses? If they are thinking the worse about this boy, would could it be, if it isn’t cancer? I really hope people are just freaking out and assuming that it’s cancer so that it’s really not. I don’t know if he had a biopsy yet, but he has to go in for surgery in a week…I feel awful. I haven’t gotten clear information, and I’m not really…familiar with this kind of stuff…Sin? Anyone? Can you help me out?
That’s terrible. I hope nothing bad comes out of this… I hope it’s not cancer… maybe it’s just some sort of variation of the cold?
I have no idea. I was just told by his older brother, so I know but I’m not really involved. But I’m really really worried since it hits so close to home…he’s only 13. Maybe it’s just something with his adenoids? What are those, anyway? I had problems with my adenoids when I was a little girl and had to get them taken out…hopefully it’s something like that…
I’d post the penny-arcade quote, but i can’t bring myself to be that mean.
I hope it isn’t cancer and your friend gets well soon.
I’m pretty sure tumors can occur with any sort of tissue. I once had a tumor of the capillaries in my lower lip.
Send the quote to me, along with the comic, if possible.
Anyways, can you explain what an adenoid is? I haven’t the slightest clue what it could be.
I have no idea either, I just know I got them out when I was like, 4.
The 984, that’s what my mom said too…she mentioned that we all have cancer cells or whatever it is that causes those things, and that you can laser them out…or something…
Cancer laser removal? Why is it a world issue then?
What do you mean?
Cancer is a very complicated disease and yes it can essentially hit any tissue, although some tissues are more likely to be afffected than others (rapidly dividing tissues tend to give rise to cancers whereas slowly dividing tissues tend to not give rise to cancers, although really the keyword is tend). Furthermore, the issue is complicated by whether the observed cancer arose from another tumor that had some cells move elsewhere (and at that point, you’re in deep shit). A biopsy is the easiest way to make sure you are/aren’t dealing with a cancer. What else could this be? I have no clue. I’m not quite sure I understand what’s up in the first place. I’m not too sure why he’d have cancer there in the first place, I’m more familiar with how cancer works. He’s very young to have cancer, is there any history of cancer in the family? Your “pulposus” is most likely a “polyposis” which means he has polyps in or near the sinus/sinus drainage area and this creates a block. This excessive growth results from a sinus infection gone bad. You might be more familiar with polyps developing in the colon and these do have a risk of becoming colon cancers. However, polyps are not cancers. Polyps are bening growths and they can be removed. If it is a polyp, which seems to be what doctors think, surgery will take it out and a little extra tissue rather easily. The headachers are probably nasty but as things stand, he doesn’t have much to worry about as long as he gets treated.
And no laser surgery isn’t the be all and end all of cancer treatment. Cancer treatment as it stands is a fucking joke, unfortunately. Laser is just another way to kill tissue,
Well, breast cancer, but I’m sure that wont affect him in the near future. I think that’s all. And that’s what I thought two, is it possible to get cancer…up there? I understand about the cancer tissue…so does that mean that certain parts of our body have a certain tissue, and others don’t, or is that dividing thing different for every individual…?
I’ll have to get more information tomorrow :\ I’m hoping, HOPING that by the sounds of it that people are just jumping to conclusions and that it’s not cancer.
Let’s take your skin for example. Skin cancer is a more common cancer. Your skin is continuously regenerated, so you have stem cells continuously dividing to make new cells for your skin. Everytime a cell divides, there is a chance for mutation. Mutations occur by chance. So over time, as more divisions occur (requiring more DNA replication - the process by which mutations arise randomly), the greater the chance there is for a mutation to occur. So mutations can occur essentially anywhere, they’re just more likely to occur in some places and in older people, by chance. However, since this is almost all directed by chance, there is a chance younger people will get cancers (bad luck, the “right” mutations occured at the “right” place) and if this happens at a weird place where tissues typically don’t rapidly divide, then its just bad luck.
However, there are certain things that can predispose you to cancers, like chemicals (cigarettes -> lung cancer - amongst others), viruses (they mess up your cell controls on cell division), etc… Something interesting that can happen is if a place gets inflammed a lot due to an infection, it is possible the environing cells are told to divide a lot. Some viruses can cause cancers by proxy like this. So your bfs brother most likely had a bad sinusitis, an inflamation of the sinuses (or he might’ve had several) and it led to this. If you’re lucky its not a polyp, it could just be swollen, unhappy tissue, but it might be a polyp and this would be why.
The reason I asked for family history is because you can have a genetic predisposition to cancer if you have a bad allele (or allele pair - an allele is another word for gene, roughly). If someone gets a cancer at an early age, one must wonder about genetic predispositions due to the rarity of the event.
Eep…thanks Sin. Makes more sense now. Fucking cancer. Gets everyone. Dammit…
A friend of mine had kinda the same problem, but his were just polyps, or growths in his sinuses and they spread to his nose. but they were removed with no major stuff ( minor surgery), and they wernt cancerous ( though could have been if left untreated) so tell him not to hesitate on treatment.
Again, I hope the best for your friend, Eva. Godspeed.
Must…resist…terrible…unsympathetic…“IT’S AIDS!”…post… >_<
Must…resist…making…post regarding…Pierson…and tea!
Well, good luck with whatever it is.
Aw thanks guys. I’m such a drama whore! Anyway, Pierson, I will…punish you. lame attempt to make light of a serious situation
Even if it is cancer, it’s not the end. I know someone, and I mean she’s a friend of the family, who had cancer in her throat that had moved there from…I’m not sure exactly now, but whatever. Not only is she cured, she is now working again. The best part is, is that she gets to work at home now, even though she’s capable of going in. She still will go in sometimes, but it’s still a pretty sweet deal. She didn’t even need radiotherapy, so she still has all her hair too!
Anyway, good luck with that.