Manga recommendations?

Yeah, I’m not much of a goth person.
I tried MAR and was sorely disappointed. There was barely anything in the entire first book that actually caught my interest. I have Death Note on reserve at the library and, well, we’ll see. :sunglasses:

Hellsing isn’t about goth. It’s about a guy in a red hat shooting shit with a big gun. It’s seriously fantastic, with some of the greatest characters ever. Alucard is way overpowered, but eh.

“Nazi vampires and werewolves” don’t really sound like something I’d appreciate.

Your loss.

Heh, seeing as how I’m the guy that recommended Paranoia Agent which, if I recall correctly, you hated, I thought about not saying anything.

But as RPT stated, Monster is fantastic. There are moments which require a certain amount of disbelief but I’ve never read a manga which captured my attention with such taut writing and situations. Whether characters are there for the whole journey or just a single volume, they manage to be so well-written that you can sympathize with them.

Kudos to Death Note as well, but reading a manga that doesn’t subscribe to a slew of anime cliches and no supernatural was really refreshing.

No supernatural? Um, the basis of the story is that he kills people by writing their names in a book. It also makes for a crappy mystery as important new rules are introduced only immediately before they are used, so you CAN’T predict much of what happens.
It is still worth reading for the early cat-and-mouse between L and Light.

Oh shit. I COMPLETELY forgot you were Cid when I was making the above suggestions. That’s what I get for skimming the thread. Yeah, I don’t imagine Hellsing will go over well with you >_> Disregard my posts.

I don’t find the idea of Nazis in media as beyond the pale (if so, I wouldn’t have enjoyed the FMA movie). It was more the vampires and werewolves I’m turned off by. 8p

I was giving kudos to DN, but stating that I found Monster more entertaining because it didn’t have anything supernatural going on. Badly phrased I guess.

Demon Dairy and Angel Sanctuary. They have effeminate looking men. They just do. But the plots and characters are very deep. Specially in AS, not so much in DD, though the mange is entertaining on a serious and humorous level.

Mars is good, unless you don’t like mushy stuff. Its not overly romantic and has lots of character development and some good plot twists and action. Its not all just “I love you” over and over.

I would caution against Angel Sanctuary. Even if you get over the whole incest thing, nothing in the art, action, or plot approached anything beyond mediocre. Given its length, I found myself often irritated at how unoriginal it managed to be for such a length.