Looking to buy a computer...

We’re talking the new PCI-Express BUS, Epic, not old school PCI Video cards. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is all the computer you need man

I’m one of those frequent upgrader kind of guys, so when I buy a new piece of hardware, one of the top things on my mind is: will this stuff still benefit me when I upgrade other parts of my computer? Also, how likely am I to upgrade one piece of hardware over another? I could think ahead and buy a really nice motherboard that will support RAM that won’t even be produced until 2008… but am I really going to hang onto that mobo for that long? Not likely.

Upgrading regularly can involve a lot of planning, but I think it saves more money in the long run, as opposed to making or buying a completely new system. Plus you won’t go through those periods of having a really crappy box, just waiting till you have the money for a whole new one.

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