life lessons

This thread would have been better if it was about real life lessons…

deal with it bro

So you’re saying it’s not a real life lesson to wear proper gear when riding a motorcycle going 70+ MPH? Are you not in favor of driver safety?

I was going like 55-60, but sure.

I’m pretty sure you could get fucked up at any speed depending on the situation.

While what Jetta says is true, it doens’t mean there aren’t ways to get LESS fucked up.

yeah don’t get SUPER fucked up


My dad always says these people live on “Oblivion”. “ignorance is bliss”, my ass! When I rode my non-motorized bike (I can’t anymore after I had rods put in spine), I always wore my helmet, even though my sister never stopped making fun of me. Boy, did I let her have it when she got hurt…

I’m glad you are alright Rinn.