Just started the game. All I have to say so far:
Just now, I opened a dryer, and some ladies head, talking gibberish, gave me a ring so I could light up candles. Seriously, this game is so bizarre. Yet, I love it so far. It’s controls take a bit getting used to, but once you do, it’s pretty cool. The gameplay itself is simple, but the style of the game is so awesome. It seems like a love it or hate it game. The soundtrack is awesome.
I’ve got the GCN version. It’s completely bizarre, but it’s got an incredible amount of style to it. The first thing that made me stand up and <I>really</I> take note of the game was the part where you are walking down a hallway, and a woman is holding on to the wall asking for help; as you get closer, she falls down, and you notice that her entire back has been sliced open… O_O
Honestly, you do not need anyone else than Con Smith other than to go over obstacles. He gives lots of blood, has the fastest shooting time, runs the fastest, has a SUPER SPEED power, and is generally that awesome.
Honestly, Con Smith, upgraded, is most likely the strongest of the trio. You can’t critical as much as you’d like, but for people like me, who forget there’s a lock-on button, he’s the best character ever.