K, I'm bored and I wanna...

Well, I guess since you ask this, there’s no reason to not be blunt. Oh, and you kinda asked for all this anyways, so don’t say this is flaming when you’re clearly asking what people think of you. It’s not.

First of all, Dai. Wow. You said things very nicely.

Anyways, wow, first of all your pictures. Right. Nicely doctored- it’s weird how that one picture of you in your underwear had those strange white blocks everywhere. Hey wait, that looked just like an underwear ad in a magazine. Hah, funny how these things work out isn’t it?

Moving right along. Arrogance, whew. I went to a private school of elitist pricks. I’ve met some really arrogant people there that could probably buy half of the city you live in, and boy, you’re rather comparable to them. You need to lose the attitude- it’s rather annoying.

Ok, I know some people who are lesbians. It’s kinda funny how they don’t flaunt it around saying OMG I’m a lesbian lol roflmao wtf like you do. It’s really amusing that you’re so insecure in the fact that people might have a reason to believe that you aren’t that you not only say it constantly but you put it in your custom title. Really, if someone were to say it, fine well and good, I’d believe it. If someone on an internet messageboard goes frolicing around shouting it at the top of their lungs, posting pictures (doctored I might add) of themselves, and never shutting up about it as they prove they’re an attention whore, then no. I won’t.

I also know girls who like Magic the Gathering and Starcraft so yeah, I believe that sure whatever it’s possible. Now, the whole omg guys I’m playing SC nekkid and my girlfriend is over here lozl, no. No. NO. I dunno if I made that clear or not, so let me say it again. No. Oh good, I think I got the point across now. If not, someone can just tell me, and I’ll explain it with a pretty flow chart and obscure hand gestures.

Your behavior disgusts me in every manner of the word disgusts. Ya know, I don’t think I’d go around telling people stories of what happened when I was drunk but maybe that’s just me. Your open flaunting of what you claim you are is a sickening cry for attention and an attempt to manipulate those that believe you. What are you going about all the people who believed and had faith in you? Oh, I guess you don’t care anyways.

Oh, and I’m tired of ranting so I’ll leave it at that.

: Mr. Waving Smilie sings ‘Theeere ooonce upon a timeee was a laaady, with the naaaame Cala: Sheee was a cooopycat like the lot them, aaand some would say aaaa slut. She liked girls, just like me: Waaaanted to shag them alll daaay, and night. Iiiii said shag, because that isn’t caaaaught by the cussing filters: Just so you knooow. I’m not British! Iii could sign ooon for hoours, but theeen I get tomatoed: Beeecaaause next up is the reeeal band. Sooo I’ll beee shoort and saaay, as follooows, Dai Ryuujin isss quite aaa felloow and saaaid all I would have suung.’

I imagine he got tomated before he started, if anyone had bought tomates that is. Don’t tell him that I told you: But I’m not quite sure that he knows that he can’t sing. Mr. Waving Smilie with a Flat has tried to give him a couple of subtle hints, like yelling cusses at him and not inviting him to his parties: It’s well know that he is a bit slow due to all the sugar he takes, though.

Anyway. He sung what I would have said, and refered to what Dai Ryuujin has said: Like I would and, I’m sorry to say, I believe others will as well.

<center><img src=“http://www.teamlorenz.com/Signs/187%20Bud%20light%20I%20love%20you%20man.JPG”></center>

Ok, this thread’s closing. Ops should’ve closed this thread a while ago >_< glares.

And you guys should think for a second as to why that kinda posting about sex and stuff gets someone attention and think about how pathetic it is that it is a reality that it would work. And Cala’s not alone. The manipulated aren’t any better than the manipulative.

glares back When people ask opinions, what’s everyone going to do? Oh I laaav you. No, if people have complaints, they’re going to voice them, and it’s a nice way to do it.

I agree that its up to the person since the person asked, however, as you said, no need to make it a flame fest.

People invite it through this stuff; therefore, if they want honestly, they need to suck it up and take what comes. I don’t think this should be closed for that reason. If they’re going to whine and be all boohoo because they’re internet friends don’t like them like they thought they did, then tough.

Oh, I never said there’s no need for this to be a flame fest. I said not to whine and say people are flaming you.

No point in arguing this on the main board. We’ll only be repeating ourselves, as you already started doing.

Fine by me.