Jesus was a Bishounen

Who knew?

I like how it comes in “Raw” and “Extreme” editions.

I always found it strange how all these macho, warmonger conservatives worshipped a long-haired, bearded hippie preaching about peace and love :stuck_out_tongue:

He wouldn’t even let Judas carry automatics (AK-47s?) into Jerusalem.

I dunno, I think I liked the Korean version better

Well… where else are we supposed to derive the word bibliography and where are the French supposed to get Biblioteque (Library)?

He wouldn’t even let Judas carry automatics (AK-47s?) into Jerusalem.

lol for a second I thought that was from Jesus Christ Superstar :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, that IS what I was referencing. I think it was Judas who had the automatics.

Thou shalt not bust a cap in thy neighbor’s ass.