
You can go back by sitting yourself back down in the machine when no one is around (you can interact with it). Which is pretty cool; also on the PS3 if you have two or more accounts on the main menu, when you switch accounts you can make a new save file in assassin’s creed.

And yeah, that boat part pissed me off until I realized just how much easier it would be if I fucking killed all those goddamn retard. If you every run through it again, you can stay completely away from the water if you go all the way to the left and kill the three guards- you won’t trigger the bell and you can actually kill all the guards leading up to the ship without being spotted by the assassination target.

Glad you liked it :smiley: Did you notice right at the end lucy was blue and the doc was red? I thought that was nifty, even though I kinda guessed she was on your side to begin with… and then knew it for sure after she showed you her missing finger- oh well. Nifty stuff, can’t wait for the sequel


I didn’t notice those colors. I noticed the finger, but I don’t know what it means.

Didn’t you notice the main character in the past has his ring finger missing? So dose lucy; it is likely that she showed Desmond that because he would recognize the connection to the assassins.


I didn’t actually. Do you think this has to do with how someone once asked Al-tair about some woman we never heard of in the game?

Man I have to wait until Christmas to get this game cause I ain’t got no money. :frowning:

You know I thought about that, but for some reason the way that the informant said it, I thought they might be talking about his sister… don’t know why. Probably will be bought in in the sequel. It could be though that Desmond and Lucy are related. I really don’t know… I wonder if collecting all those damned flags will open up an important memory on this matter. And I hate the fact you reminded me of that mission where the informant mentions her; god that one pissed me off for a good hour.
