This is what Street Fighter the live action movie should’ve been like. At least then it would’ve had <em>some</em> redeeming qualities. =P
<A href=“” target="_blank">Street Fighter</A>
This is what Street Fighter the live action movie should’ve been like. At least then it would’ve had <em>some</em> redeeming qualities. =P
<A href=“” target="_blank">Street Fighter</A>
I…don’t get it. is dumb
So all you have to do to make the game real is get thrown into it and then get electrified? Sadly, I can think of at least two fanfics with that exact premise.
[falls over] XD
Ha! Haven’t played street fighter in years (or any fighter cept’ SSB/SSBM), nor seen the movie, but that was funny regardless.
I don’t like Jackie Chan. I just don’t. He’s like a Bruce Lee wannabe, but he knows he can’t be Bruce Lee, so he settles for a lot of wacky stupid humor.
You can’t throw Sonic Booms that fast ;(
Originally posted by Curtis
I don’t like Jackie Chan. I just don’t. He’s like a Bruce Lee wannabe, but he knows he can’t be Bruce Lee, so he settles for a lot of wacky stupid humor.
Uh actually he tried to be as differnt from bruce as he could. When Bruce first died, producers made 3 or 4 films and made Chan act exactly like Bruce Lee. He finally said “Look im not him” and started doing movies his way.
indescribabe sounds of Oh my godness
That was AWESOME!
That is all I’m saying.
That was fscking awesome.
That was coolios.
Jackie Chan’s cool. You can always count on a bench and a ladder to be used in his older movies.
And Curtis, the thing is, Jackie Chan is also a damn good pure martial artist, as was Bruce Lee obviously. It would have been truly an interesting match between those two, and I would be hard pressed to pick a winner.
Allright, what is this movie? I must have it!
Man, if there ever was a definition for “Awesomely bad” that was it.
How many movies has Jackie Chan made anyway? Like 30 thousand?
Originally posted by Morylion Karvarimon
Allright, what is this movie? I must have it!
A quick check at IMDB conclusively identifies this film as “Cheng shi lie ren”, a 1992 action/comedy/romance starring Jackie. From the plot summary, it looks pretty darn cool.
Wasn’t he already busy with a Dragon Ball movie? What happened to it?