ITT A LIBERAL AMERICAN EX-PAT and A JEW debate ISRAEL (guess which side each is on)

Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron can’t even be fucked to take care of their own garbage, so instead they simply throw it out their windows onto the homes of the Palestinians below. Like so many conquering peoples, Israeli settlers in Palestinian areas tend to live above those they conquered as a demonstration of their supposed superiority. Thus you get a strange sort of segregation: Israelis living up above in apartments with Palestinians living in crowded alleyways below. In this picture, we see that the Palestinians had to erect a series of nets above their street to try and reduce the amount of garbage being thrown down at them from the Israeli settlers above.

Dude… again, you’re taking the actions of a single street and expanding them to fit an entire nation. Nobody ever said that every Israeli is a saint or that every Palestinian is evil.

As for Hebron - it contains one of the holiest places in Judaism (the tombs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) but Jews can’t visit it without an armed escort, because too many people were being attacked by Arab mobs. Hebron was the site of massacres of Jews by Arabs in 1929, way before Israel existed. Hebron is not exactly the nicest place for either nation.

Is destroying Israel Hamas’ primary objective? Because it seems that their main goal is to dismantle everything of worth and sell it. The whole killing Jews and liberating the oppressed seems secondary to looting everything.

I know that Hamas will approach random young men on the street and order them to blow themselves up to kill Israelis, and, if they refuse, then they are killed as informants.

How can Israel turn Hamas’ short-sightedness against it? How can Israel change the nature of the battlefield to their advantage? How can Israel change the battlefield so that Hamas can’t hide among the civilian population?

lol so much propaganda


Run out of rational arguments?;_ylt=ApdG6iXIC.1mzR6LLi.RdHZvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTJwaGxyMThlBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwNjI4L21sX2dhemFfc3VtbWVyX2NhbXBzBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDcml2YWxoYW1hc3Vu


As if it’s any fucking different than the Jesus camps 300 pound American fat ass mothers and fathers send their retarded kids off to to indoctrinate them into hating fags, minorities and anyone south of Switzerland, march around massaging their guns like the big fat black cocks they dream about blowing at night. But no…thank GOD those nice white people are there in Gaza to give those children “hope” for a “better future” and “fun and games” - but gee golly, let’s not mention things that might actually do some good for the people of Gaza, like self-governance, sovereignty, the right to move about freely in their own land. The right not to get killed by phosphorous bombs being launched from Israeli war planes. No, let’s not discuss any of those things. Fun and games, that’s the right prescription!!!

Um… no. Read the article, perhaps. It’s not Islam, it’s militancy and adherence to the principle of Israel as the absolute enemy. More like brainwashing than education.

Ran out of motivation to argue with a wall.