It's that time of the year again

December 5th. Saint Nicholas. Sinterklaas. Today we celebrate the birthday of some dead old fart on a horse by throwing candy at random people and kidnapping their children with awesome black ninja pimps.

To appease these savages we set our shoes by the fireplace the night before, and leave a carrot and some water for the old guy’s horse. Bad children get abducted in the night and are never seen again. If their bloodlust has been sated, in the morning we all wake up to delicious candy!

Occasionally people stop believing this flock of assholes exist. So then they buy eachother presents, put them in creative boxes (read: shoeboxes with paint on them) and write eachother shitty poems. These people are also never seen again.

So in conclusion, fuck you guys, I’ve got candy and you don’t, ahahaha.

Well, I get tomorrow off school because some guys signed the declaration of independence 90 years ago, so…


I get to watch people on telly wearing fancy suits and dresses and shaking hands with the president >:/

So are you that dude

WELL…I don’t have a comeback. wishes she had candy that wasn’t crappy leftovers from Halloween*

I got a rock. :frowning:

Damn you and your delicious confectionery treats. :frowning:

We employ him as a summon (or esper, technically) for sailors. No.1 reason our ships don’t get pwnd! like that.

I have candy, I just had to earn it.

You faggot. >:(

I got nothin’.

my thread’s better

Oh my God! Santa’s been elected Pope!!! O_O

College = Candyland.

And I got a random Christmas bag of candies, an orange, and a chocolate Santa today.

We have a holiday like that in March. Except we get thrown beads and people probably have a lot more fun.

What the fuck is going on with the black guy’s neck in the last photo?

Nevermind the neck. What happened to his face? Looks like somebody dumped a whole can of ugly on his face. (And a side order of freaky too.)

What the hell is Mr. Popo doing there?

During the Middle Ages, Zwarte Piet was a name for the devil. Having triumphed over evil, it was said that on Saint Nicholas’ eve, the devil was shackled and made his slave. Although the character of Black Pete later came to acquire racial connotations, his origins were in the devil figure. This racialisation is reflected in the reworking of the characters’ mythos. From about 1850, Pete was said to be an imported African servant of Saint Nicholas. Today however, a more politically correct explanation is given: Pete’s face is said to be “black from soot” (as Pete has to climb down chimneys to deliver his gifts). Nevertheless, the tradition has been accused of being racist, and attempts have been made to introduce Gekleurde Pieten (Coloured Petes), who are coloured blue, red, etc., instead of black. This phenomenon of “Coloured Petes” was introduced nationally in 2006. The explanation given for this was that “Sinterklaas passed through a rainbow with his boat”

Originally Quoted by Hades Shinigami
During the Middle Ages, Zwarte Piet was a name for the devil. Having triumphed over evil, it was said that on Saint Nicholas’ eve, the devil was shackled and made his slave. Although the character of Black Pete later came to acquire racial connotations, his origins were in the devil figure. This racialisation is reflected in the reworking of the characters’ mythos. From about 1850, Pete was said to be an imported African servant of Saint Nicholas. Today however, a more politically correct explanation is given: Pete’s face is said to be “black from soot” (as Pete has to climb down chimneys to deliver his gifts). Nevertheless, the tradition has been accused of being racist, and attempts have been made to introduce Gekleurde Pieten (Coloured Petes), who are coloured blue, red, etc., instead of black. This phenomenon of “Coloured Petes” was introduced nationally in 2006. The explanation given for this was that “Sinterklaas passed through a rainbow with his boat”

Yeeeaaahhh…I can see that one going over well with the gay community. I guess those devils in hell can still keep reaching for that rainbow then. >_>

I have candy you bastard… :smiley: