The alternates guys are coming! The alternates guys are coming!!! Aaah!
I want to see if the two Merlins will meet, and if they do, will Alternate Merlin play the next piano that falls on Merlin
I wanna see the Sinistral event!
I wanna see the Macc meeting!
Bah, Macc meeting a replica of himself won’t be as interesting as seeing Sinistral fight himself. ^^
The two Lunaris meeting should prove to be interesting.
I have a feeling someone has been watching a movie, not sure which, though it could be Star Trek Nemesis, one time too many.
I think I am going to enjoy this VERY much. Oh yes indeed. :o
This is more akin to the original series episode Mirror Mirror than it is to Nemesis, Nul, especially since Nemesis really didn’t have an opposite double for every person…
And there’s the fact I haven’t even seen Nemesis yet. ^^;;;
Whatever happens next … things are gonna get interesting. Maybe this is some kind of reverse-Netsplit, and alternate servers are getting merged instead of separated …
WAHAHAHAHAHA! falls over laughing
Minerva: Somehow, I get the feeling meeting an alternate self would not be pleasant. One of us will blow something up, I know it…
How will the Cids do? Or the Mazs for that matter?
Cidolfas and Alternate-Cid will be kinda interesting, expecially if Cid tries to educate his double. And Maz… Oh, GOD that will be fun! ^^
F@#$ yeah!
Originally posted by SpoonyBard
And there’s the fact I haven’t even seen Nemesis yet. ^^;;;
Nor have I.
I’d be interested to see old RPGC regulars cameo in, to see their double…
One huge comic, 2 armies…
Yeah … Trouble is, I have no idea what Bizzaro-me’s attacks would look li–
Shut up! [slice]
Krutz!! A touch, I do confess it … I fear I breathe my last!
Originally posted by wingnut
Minerva: Somehow, I get the feeling meeting an alternate self would not be pleasant. One of us will blow something up, I know it…
That’s nothing, I fully expect the world to blow up if I should get within ten feet of my alternate self. And I wouldn’t even have to say Gleek Sn… I mean, the words.
You mean Gleek Snag Zip or “blown up and exploded”?