If this should go in the tech support forum, move it. However, its more comedy than support.
<a href=“http://jeremy.zawodny.com/media/bitch.mpg”>And what damn good comedy indeed. :D</a>
If this should go in the tech support forum, move it. However, its more comedy than support.
<a href=“http://jeremy.zawodny.com/media/bitch.mpg”>And what damn good comedy indeed. :D</a>
It’s all true too!
Old. But still fun.
Haw, I remember this from a few years ago, it’s still awesome.
God, I’d forgotten about that. I’m definitely keeping this one.
My Mom uses an apple, and was in the room when I played this.
She lauged at first, but then got pretty angry
Angry in defense of her Apple, or angry in newly realized hate for her Apple?