It finally happaned

:eek: Poor Sin…


This is what happens when reploids are shortcircuited, they go mad. Untill now I had no idea how mad though.

Originally posted by Cala
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You can’t give it up. You’re the only one who knows half of the tree. :frowning:

That’s just it, I’ve lost track of the thing. A lot of my info is actually outdated.

Originally posted by Sinistral
[b]Excuse me for 1 second…

walks into the bathroom carrying a couple bottles of little yellow pills and a lot of water [/b]
Why would you bring water into the bathroom? There’s water there!

Originally posted by Xelopheris
Why would you bring water into the bathroom? There’s water there!

Maybe it’s a public bathroom. Using water from it is not the most hygienic way to die.

Oh my god…

Hmm, ill throw in an arfenhouse quote here since everyone else seems to be


I honestly think we need to get a council or something to keep an eye on the tree/web…

Anyone wanna join?

I’ve spotted flying bovines on radar sir, coming in at 3 o clock :o

OK, for those of you who couldn’t figure out, this was nothing more than demented satire of those Online Relationship threads. You know the ones. In reality, Sin and I hold nothing but utter contempt for each other. No yaoi.

Yea, I just caught that. High Five man, good gag.

Originally posted by MegamanX2K
OK, for those of you who couldn’t figure out, this was nothing more than demented satire of those Online Relationship threads. You know the ones. In reality, Sin and I hold nothing but utter contempt for each other. No yaoi.

I saw it awhile ago, but I still thought there was more to it than that. Ah, well.

Originally posted by MegamanX2K
No yaoi.

Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! ;-;

Originally posted by Phoenix Valkyrie
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! ;-;


What is the point of male and male relationships, if there’s no yaoi as a byproduct.

With Sin. No yaoi with Sin. I never said anything about anyone else.


lol I was going to make a post on how it was a joke but I didn’t want to spoil the thread. Though I do have to give a thumbs up to X for posting something remotely funny in this sea of negativity. I feel like I’m in plum pudding.

X, give us some credit. THAT was frikkin obvious.

Although the spectre is terrifying. X, I forbid you to go within three miles of Sin for fear that your kids will ahnillate the world.

Well, I think for some it wasn’t so obvious. Besides, it’s you+Weiila/2*c where c=however many whip-wielding anthromorphic children of doom you have, that’s what we should be concerned about.

Look at the bright side, our gametes don’t combine. Pre-zygotic isolation at work preserving the unity of our species.

When I get my hands on your gametes your zygotes will need a whole lot more than isolation. (Yes, I realize that made no sense, bear with me)