Inu Yasha

Does anyone know when new episodes are coming out in the U.S.?

Adult Swim announced that new episodes are coming sometime in April. Can’t remember the exact date, just check if you want to know.

I think their going to repeat them again tonight. That is annoying.

hmm…April huh. That’s so many months away :too bad;

I’ll just start watching tv again then.

I can wait, as long as they show more than sixteen episodes this time.

Heh, it’ll be like a birthday present for me! I hope April comes soon then.

Originally posted by Pappy’s daughter
I can wait, as long as they show more than sixteen episodes this time.

Heh, it’ll be like a birthday present for me! I hope April comes soon then.

Me too :moogle:

Hey! I didn’t know your birthday was in April! And only a day before mine! Heh, small world…

Hee, I love Inu Yasha; the anime, not the character. I don’t hate him, I just don’t love him. My sister does though. She’s always calling him her hotty hanyou. It’s really weird.

I really enjoy the show, you can really see the similarities between Ranma 1/2 and Inu Yasha. Besides that Sesshomaru(sp?) is the cute one. =P

well i wouldn’t really sugest this but if you don’t want to wait you can always download it ( :noway: not that i do it _ ) :mwahaha:

sweat drop … I think I’ll just wait instead…

Sesshomaru’s the cute one? Funny, I never thought of him as cute. Cool, maybe, but not cute. Hey, just a small fact here, but did you know that “Sesshomaru” means “destruction man”? It’s true.

Jaken’s the cute one.

Jaken the cute one?! You better be joking. I hate that little toad. Just gets on my nerves… grrr…

I can’t download, against the rules of the house. This does put a serious damper on the animes I see.

I actually like Jaken, he’s funny. But the cute one for me is Rin. She indeed is that.

inu=dog in japenese but im not sure if yasha =demon but that would make since (if only i knew more japenese. calls himself a baka… _)) :fungah:

Yasha means forest spirit. Just thought you might like to know.

And yes, Rin is very cute. She’s one of my favorite characters.

I thought Yasha meant demon. I’ve seen it a couple of times in titles of somewhere and below it was the translation that would always be Demon something.

I was told it meant demon. But I was also told that demons in japan are not like the demons we know. They are like forest, animal, etc spirits.

I used to think that Yasha meant demon as well. I had seen it online somewhere. Turns out the person was wrong.

You see, when it comes to names in Japanese, certain parts in the name mean certain things. Like “maru” means “man”, “hi” means “fly”, “ten” means “heaven”, and “oni” means “demon”. I learned all this stuff pretty much by just looking through the Art of Inuyasha book a few times.

There’s a lot of other stuff too, like “jin” means “god”, “man” means “full”, and Sango actually means “coral”. I won’t list everything, it would take too long. But, yeah, that’s the gist of it.

((ahggg… calls himself an echii baka then laughs :mwahaha: )) i forgot that oni meant demon.